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    I think I've lost track on what we're arguing about. I don't think its bad (as the word recycling indicates to me) for a book adaptation to use book plots. Nor do I think its unreasonable for the show to repurpose plots from one character to another to help condense the overall story.

    I guess here is the difference between what you are saying and I am saying. You are taking book plots word for word and applying it to the show and if they reappear, calling it using an old book plot. I am saying that the showrunners seem to understand what the ultimate fate / big events of the next two books are and

    I don't really see how splitting the show into two or three shows would solve the issue of characters being in boring plotlines.

    Has he? If I remember correctly he only has the Karstarks, who plan to betray him, and the Umbers. The Manderleys would only back him if Davos produced Rickon.

    So when a judge asks a defendant to stand and says, "you are accused of such and such" is he lying if the defendant is found innocent?

    Yes because if I believe in the Faith of the Seven, the High Sparrow isn't who lost, the gods are. The whole belief around Trial by Combat is that the gods will decide innocence by, presumably, giving one of the champions the strength to win.

    How do we know that is a retread and not just an actual book six plot? I mean it seems likely that Jon will be resurrected in the books and leave the Wall like in the show to me. Sansa obviously wouldn't be there but he could definitely go rally northern lords.

    I think some of the stuff you talked about isn't the same. Coldhands showing up where he does in the show is completely different than in the books and either way, the purpose of those scenes is to show Bran becoming the new 3ER after white walkers stormed and killed the old one. That is all completely new material.

    That doesn't make a lot of sense…Trial by Combat is a part of the Faith of the Seven. All losing it would mean is that Cersei is innocent.

    What? The only stories from S6 that were taken from the books seem to be the Greyjoys (who are barely in the season) and the siege of Riverrun (which again is a minor part of the season). Everything Jon Snow and crew, Dany, Arya, Sam, Bran, Littlefinger, Ramsay, and so on are doing is new material. Don't forget that

    Why would the Mountain winning cause the Faith Militant to be gone? All it would do IRC is free Cersei for good. But the Faith Militant already has shown its power and acceptance among the general freefolk…I wonder if one lost trial by combat really would change that.

    "Don't worry, you guys will get that Blue Ranger solo movie you've all been clamoring for."

    I watch a lot of TV and have found 9 times out of 10 when a show has lost it, they've lost it for good. There also is a ton of good TV out these days and I have limited time to watch so I have to be selective on what I make time for.

    I can only speak for myself but I wouldn't go back no matter who they got for S3. S2 had good performances, it was just terribly written and not particularly interesting in any way.

    Viewership was OK but stagnated from S1. And given how many people disliked S2, I kind of doubt S3 would have been as high.

    *inserts laugh track*

    *and here comes the pretzels*

    God knows what we all do, all shows must die.

    Yea, if they planned their universe correctly they could have a MCU sized one pretty quickly. But Fox doesn't seem like they have their shit together enough to do that.

    The Ninja Turtles movies were targeted at children? The first one was relatively dark compared to what's targeted to children now.