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    A wise man once said forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for a late pizza.

    Man they sure bootstrapped Leonardo with "Awesome!"

    "Is that Master Splinter?!?"


    Is that the same Groff guy who got drafted by the Rams to play QB next year?

    If they cast Amy Poehler and Adam Scott, they'd even have the intro ready to go thanks to Adult Swim!

    I like New Girl and it airs on a different network than Happy Endings so it still being on has nothing to do with ABC cancelling Happy Endings.

    ? Arrow is by far the worst. Felicity and her mom are incredibly frustrating women. Laurel was too for a good portion of her time on the show.

    I thought that too.

    Zoom is a psychopath…he clearly only lusted after power and control of others. So it makes sense that he wouldn't even think to use his powers to reset his life experience.

    I'd nominate Sara Lance as least frustrating woman of DCTV.

    The only one which was outright murder was Turtle and that was by a rogue act from Harrison Wells. Some of the others you could directly blame on Eobard Thawne moreso than Team Flash.

    IMO they're clearly going to have Flashpoint happen next season and the impact of it will bring Harrison back to Earth-1, in some form, and give Jesse and Wally their powers. Oh, and also bring Supergirl into the main continuity now that she's on CW.

    Did POI have a new episode yesterday? I must have missed it if so.

    Clearly it took 4,000 years for White Walker Nick Fury to assemble the founding members of the White Walker team. Night's King is akin to Spider-Man showing up as a spunky teenager in CW.

    Hopefully 3ER dying doesn't stop the show from including Bloodraven flashbacks.

    I really hope Bran doesn't turn out to be Bloodraven. I wouldn't be thrilled by that.

    We can still write the Game of Thrones prequel "Better Khal Drogo"

    Counterpoint the second: I'd like to see more ambitious successes than failures.

    I keep wondering how you make the decision to take away his eyepatch. Since when is no eyepatch better?!?