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    Spoiler alert for episode 6: Bronn is shown reading a popular article in the Westoros newsletter called "How to Date Margaery Tyrell."

    To be fair, the magic grenades showed up way back in S4 already.

    Didn't Tyrion pretty much complete Quentyn's plot? I mean he didn't die but he did release the dragons. I'd be upset if they brought Euron in just to burn him to death, it'd be just as pointless as…well as Quentyn in the books.

    I didn't think they needed to show Hodor slowly going from "Hold the door" to "Hodor" - it was obvious what Hodor meant as soon as I heard "Hold the door" the first time. I didn't have any issues with the twist of Bran impacting the past though…seems pretty in-line with the rest of the batshit craziness of the series.

    Huzzah! I put $80 of my $180 balance on 3ER on Friday (posted below somewhere). So I'm at $3,300 funny monies now.

    Yea no kidding. I like the whole theory of a dragon being in the Wall but that has to be a 50-1 bet at least. Especially since it seems highly unlikely that the Wall would come down before the last season.

    How do you know?

    What has Victoria Justice done since? She had a terrible-sounding show on MTV for a season before it got cancelled. Now she's doing a Rocky Horror Picture Show TV movie according to wiki.

    Yea Banks is way worse.

    Uh…Taylor Swift?

    Finally finished the show. Thought the finale was pretty good but I really thought they'd go more all-out for it. Like maybe bring in Flash or Arrow to help out in 2016. Or maybe have Jonah Hex or Connor Hawke reappear instead of those incredibly weird vampire creatures. Oh well, at least Kendra is off the show.

    On Bloodraven being Night's King? 20-1 seems fair.

    Right right, it was the second episode not the premiere. Well either way Euron will get his introduction soon enough.

    In a pinch? Better Khal Drogo!

    No…Euron has only appeared in the S6 premiere thus far and Balon doesn't call him by name. All you'd know about him if you didn't read the books / online speculation is that he's Balon's brother.

    Cara Delevingne started as a model and has become a reasonable active actress. I believe Charlize Theron was a model first too.

    Euron hasn't even been named on the show yet, seems highly unlikely he'd die in his first true introduction. So I'm assuming the odds are higher than 100-1 and thus not worth publishing this week.

    Previews for the next episode are outside information now? They air right after episodes and would be considered public knowledge in any other betting scenario. Just because you ignore them doesn't mean we all have to.

    The part about him wanting to blow down the wall is correct but I don't believe he intends on finding a dragon in there.

    I'm pre-paying for something I want even though I may never get it because I can't get anywhere else.