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    I know there are some projects which have been successful on Kickstarter but I think the site as a whole is awful. It doesn't hold entrepreneurs responsible for the promises they make or the money they take in any way.

    I continue to wonder how Kickstarter is still a thing. I feel like the site just encapsulates general societal spending stupidity (say that seven times fast if you can).

    I think he'll find out from Kevan or the High Sparrow. My assumption is right now he thinks Cersei was imprisoned for having relations with him. The show has handled it poorly though, they should have had Cersei mislead him on screen.

    Well the scene from the trailer shows the Night's King looking directly at Bran in an "oh shit" type moment. Also the 3ER foreshadowed bad stuff happening from Bran staying in a vision too long. Just seems to be leading to disaster.

    For the latter point, I think its clear. Jaime is going to figure out Cersei was banging Lancel and leave. It seems like he doesn't know that yet.

    I'm at $180 (made $100 on Khal Moro dying last week, lost $20 on two $10 bets on No One Dies two weeks ago and Loras last week).

    I feel like the Flash finale is going to reveal the man in the iron mask is actually Jay Garrick. The creators have been saying they didn't use his name just as a fake-out. So he may still be on the table.

    I don't like Flarrowverse cause the first thing I thought of when I read that was flaccidverse.

    "We've visited the future, its terrible. Espresso machines replaced all baristas and now I have no job."

    I'm now wondering if what appears to be a beard on your avatar is just a bunch of fresh eyes.

    spoiler alert: james franco is the movie

    There are other comments than this….

    Does the CW have a death slot? Supernatural aired S6-7 on Fridays. Its going to enter S12 this fall.

    She knows Roose is dead because Ramsay declared himself Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North in the letter which would only be possible if Roose were dead.

    A movie could just have Coulson make a quip about his death not sticking and keep moving. IMO it is outdated thinking to believe the average moviegoer needs their hand held. The internet allows anyone to understand something they missed or didn't understand quickly.

    Feige's explanation is so lame. AoS S2 featured a plot where Coulson and his team located Baron Von Strucker and sent his coordinates to Maria Hill so she could assemble the Avengers. So clearly they took note of the movie plot written years before their season and were able to work it in…you know, like professional

    I don't buy that personally. Last year, Agents of SHIELD had a plot around locating Loki's sceptor and transmitting that location to the Avengers through Maria Hill. That directly tied into the opening scene of Avengers 2. So clearly they were able to plan their TV schedule around a film plotline.

    I don't really buy that theory at all. How would Sansa know Ramsay has Rickon? Just a wild and correct guess?

    I must have missed that but that's even worse. So they have the ability to contact Hartley but are letting him sit on the sidelines and just give advice? Wally is out there slamming into metas with his car and a dude with actual technological abilities is doing nothing?

    This was a good episode of Flash but I continue to wonder where Hartley Rathaway is. Remember, Hartley was retconned as a good guy a few episodes ago and the show hasn't done anything with him since. The quip about facing enemies who use sound brought him to the forefront of my mind and a better show would have