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    Yep…Samaritan is portrayed as way too intelligent to not have thought through that a team is clearly interfering with their plans regularly and that an alternate plan is needed to stop them. Its a minor quibble as I'm sure the heat on Team Machine is going up in the next few weeks.

    I might just watch too much TV but the way they "confirmed" his death was very suspicious to me. I always assume a character is still alive when their death isn't shown definitively on-screen. There have been a few exceptions but has generally steered me well.

    The thing I don't get is how Bruce Moran got a drop on Reese when Samaritan has been unable to for months. I mean clearly Samaritan is smart enough to understand that all it has to do is create a case and ambush the Machine team at this point.

    I thought Elias being alive was a fairly obvious twist ever since they never showed him dying on-screen. But especially so when Fusco started hounding Reese to tell Bruce the truth at the beginning of this episode. I hope Elias factors into the final episodes of the season in some way and keeping him alive wasn't just

    I can't wait to see which Community character cameos in Infinity Wars. Here's hoping its Magnitude.


    This seems like a massive spoiler for Arrested Development S5 unless we're supposed to know it'll take place in Germany already.

    What a goddamn waste of Hayley Atwell.

    Totally agree. It's the only Tarantino movie thus far (outside of Death Proof which even he doesn't really count in his tally of movies) that I haven't had any urge to see again. It was just so dull and one of the biggest disappointments of 2015 for me movie-wise.

    I think Hateful Eight is worse too personally.

    For whatever reason, critics seem to like Hateful Eight which I thought was one of Tarantino's weakest films.

    If it gets reviewed as well as Deadpool, which IMO was properly rated, it'll definitely do very well at the box office.

    The animated version is great, not surprising given she was created for the DCAU.

    That sounds like a Food Network show to me.

    And he agreed to go to battle after getting the letter…unless you missed that.

    Doran's death was dumb because it made his presence on the show entirely pointless - he never did anything worthwhile. Roose and Osha both had their moments, they just were no longer needed for the story so I wasn't hung up on them dying.

    He didn't know Rickon was captured until the end…nor did he have any reason to give the wildlings to help him take Winterfell before the letter threatened them directly.

    My friends and I talked about that and came up with a few ideas:

    Maybe it's the lack of Sansa describing just how good her soup was for the entirety of the episode.

    Wanting to rethink your life after literally dying does not make you soft in my book.