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    Fair enough but I would also say I don't understand why he is supposed to be unbiased and restrained. He isn't a sports news reporter and has never pretended to be one. His appeal has always been he writes from the perspective of a fan of professional sports. And like any fan, his opinions are bound to upset some.

    Why don't you like Bill Simmons? I get that he can come off as a bit of an ass in person but he's responsible for Grantland and 30 for 30.

    Of the movies on this list, I remember watching and liking Smart House, Alley Cats Strike!, Eddie's Million-Dollar Cook Off, Brink!, Smart House, and Johnny Tsunami as a kid. Probably will try to rewatch some of them as they air.


    So…what exactly did this couple get from being on the show? They didn't get advice from experts or discounts on home renovations or even a chance to look at actual places on the market…

    Tucker was pretty great in Justified.

    In next week's episode, Danny and Crispin encounter NFL safety Glover Quin and teach him a valuable lesson about why Glover should be used as a last name only.

    I'm loving the casting of this show so far.

    I liked 13 personally - I'll usually watch it if it's on TV.

    The issues with Ocean's 12 are well beyond them trying to do too much. They had Julia Robert's character pretend to be Julia Roberts for Pete's sake.

    The Happening was what I was thinking of when I mentioned M. Night. I don't remember Now You See Me that well but I didn't think the ending was an out and out cheat. It was definitely not good but at the same time Ruffalo being the mastermind didn't conflict with earlier events unless I am remembering incorrectly.

    So I take it you haven't seen enough M. Night Shyamalan movies then?

    It is a big step down - Netflix's original content library is much larger than Amazon's.

    The premium is huge though. Amazon Prime has way more included in it than just streaming so to charge more for just streaming means you're charging well above what it costs as part of the regular Prime membership.

    If you have a PS4 you can get Vue now for $25-35 (assuming they're in your market) which would have most major cable and local networks with DVR.

    I just don't like how Mike was introduced to the group at all…from Tandy punching him in the balls to Mike immediately embarrassing Tandy by calling him Skidmark to this prank war. I hope they pivot from making Mike Phil 3.0 next week and beyond.

    I still think it's a stretch as the only thing there is to support it is the physical similarities between the two actors. And I don't really see the point of connecting the characters either, we already know Gus is linked to Tio and the cartel so he already has a natural way to enter the series. But like I said,

    I read that scene in a more straight-forward way. That Ernesto is likely the one loose end linking Jimmy to the crime he committed that led to Chuck being in the hospital and thus will play a larger role in the season finale. I didn't see anything that indicated he was linked to Gus or the cartel drug trade. Ernesto

    I like Abrams. Never got into Lost but loved Fringe. I wasn't a Star Trek fan before the movies so found them mostly entertaining (although I understand the gripe fans do have and also did think trying to hide that Khan was in Into Darkness was dumb). I enjoyed Super 8 and MI3 too. And I thought TFA was a great way to

    I still don't get how it would matter if Jimmy goes into that copy shop every night. The fact that he was there the same night he had opportunity to change Chuck's documents would prove that he had the means to commit the crime. That would likely be enough to go to trial given motive is also easy for Chuck to offer