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    What else did you notice? I mean obviously Ernesto is there and likely has pieced together what Jimmy did.

    So after watching the preview for next week, I have a new theory about Chuck's fate (this may have been thought of by someone else). We see Jimmy talking to the same doctor from season one and then Howard reading a letter in the hospital. I think that means that Chuck survives but his doctor recommends, again, that


    I usually like the heavy snark put into AV Club articles but not here. Have they confirmed the cast isn't returning? Just because they're all bigger stars now doesn't mean a movie that will likely have a decent budget won't be able to afford them. I mean both Eisenberg and Harrelson are doing Now You See Me 2…so why

    That's true…of course the main reason they have issues is because they make choices like sending Jax without Stein or sending Ray without his Atom suit. Why bother bringing superheroes along at all if you don't need their powers? Rip would have been better off bringing James Bond type spies along with him whose

    If Supergirl was on this team she'd render most of the team useless. I mean let's be real, Supergirl wouldn't have had an issue with most of the issues the team has had this season.

    Then Stein goes out and is the one who starts all the trouble haha.

    Hmm…I don't know if the things you mentioned make it definite. If one of my good friends effectively was dead to me, as Jonah was to Rip, I'd consider naming my kid after them. But if Rip and Jonah were lovers I wouldn't have an issue with it either…just would have been bolder for the show to just come out and say

    "I'm glad that I live in a world where Rip Hunter and Jonah Hex are
    ex-lovers. (Rip wears Jonah's coat! He almost gave up being a time
    master to stay with him! He named his son after him!)"

    Really the entire cast of LotR could be on this list. Hard to imagine that trilogy ever being redone with a new cast.

    Totally agree with Conroy as the definitive Batman - I grew up on the DCAU so a lot of the portrayals on that show are the definitive versions for me. Clancy Brown as Lex Luthor, for example.

    It has nothing to do with Bale who was a perfectly good live-action Batman (and a really good Bruce Wayne). Kevin Conroy just captured the voice of the Batman I always imagined so perfectly.

    I really disagree that the show is best when it deviates from the books given the majority of the show was running through the big events of the first two books as quickly as possible. I also think Penny is just as unlikable in the show as he is in the books.

    So…if I'm reading this right, protocol droids are basically the replicants of the Star Wars universe now?


    First off, I saw every episode of Breaking Bad live or a day or two after airing on DVR. I watched from the beginning mainly because I was a huge fan of Bryan Cranston from Malcolm in the Middle and the early commercials (him in his underwear in some sort of hilarious looking trouble) made it seem like it'd be more in

    What exactly are you basing your stance on? I mean you understand that Gilligan ended BB before AMC wanted him to - right? So he doesn't exactly have a history of milking shows. He also gave BB a proper ending with Walt losing everything before getting a semblance of payback so he also doesn't have a history of

    It really is no slower than Breaking Bad was is the point.

    "But if there’s ever a case of two wrongs not being in the same zip code as anything right, this is it."

    You are warping what people are saying - the majority are not saying Snyder "doesn't have the right" to change Superman. They are saying they don't like his movie and want him removed because they don't like the changes he made to Superman.