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    I have to wonder why Snyder didn't just make a movie about God at this point. Cause that clearly is the story he wants to tell, not one about the Superman character I grew up a fan of.

    Seems like a lost cause to me then. But maybe he'd check out an episode or two of an animated show. The DCAU has a number of great Superman episodes that show if used properly he's anything but boring.

    Tell your boss to watch the JL episode "Hereafter."

    I know for a fact I can because I'd just borrow from the STAS / JL cartoons.

    That's true. I do wish I still had my old presentation to prove that was our stance, unfortunately my college laptop died years ago and I never bothered trying to salvage my old schoolwork off the hard drive.

    Back in college I had a class in business school where we were tasked with picking a failing company and coming up with a strategy for them to get back to relevance. My team and I picked Blockbuster and proposed they shift their focus to developing technology to stream content (this was back when Netflix was DVD

    My dad always used to have me tee off a good five minutes before they did because I couldn't hit as far as he and my uncle could. It always used to piss me off so one time I somehow summoned the ability to hit with power and killed a ball. My shot ended up hitting the top of the golf cart of the group ahead of us

    I feel like this could have been a lot better but it was decent. I laughed the most at the ball spotter running to spot Daly's ball after he whiffs and hits it nine feet. And I also enjoyed the constant handshakes.

    Hence why I suggested the "binge" episode reviews are done without knowledge of future episodes as IGN did. The reviewer there actually reviewed each episode after watching them instead of watching everything and doing 13 reviews after.

    I don't think everyone does do that…DC superheroes, for example, are clearly at the top of the food chain.

    I'm disappointed in the analysis of Karen…it's clear to me that she still holds guilt from killing Wesley last year and is relating to the criminals she meets now as a sort of passive way to be at peace with it. I also think any legal representative of Frank's should be arguing against him going to a prison where the

    My personal hope is that the show finds a way to make time traveling Nazis the main villain of S12. The few episodes they've done involving Nazis thus far have been treats, including the submarine episode this season.

    Breaking Bad did it once I believe, when Skylar tells Walt that she fucked Ted. But she's also basically whispering it in that scene.

    She is credited as being in 44 episodes of the show's 78…I think that's more than just appearing in the first season or two.

    I really enjoyed My Boys personally, definitely was not as bad as the rest of those shows.


    I totally get what you're saying but, again, you have to keep in mind at all times that to Chuck, Jimmy isn't just another lawyer. He's his little brother. A guy who was a screw-up for most of his life and wasn't even above stealing from their own kind hearted father.

    I get your complaints about Mesa Verde but maybe that was the point, that this is a bank that has never undertaken an expansion like this and they foolishly did believe one determined lawyer they liked could handle it. And maybe Chuck didn't need to be that impressive to convince them to stay, just articulate enough

    Couldn't Jimmy have printed out a sheet with the four digit number he wanted to use in all the different fonts needed, then just pasted it over the number and made a copy? I feel like the way he went about changing the addresses was not the most efficient way.

    Am I the only one who didn't like Looper and thinks that it's as far as you can get from being a great time travel movie? I mean here is what I remember of the mechanics: