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    Their new strategy seems clear to me…they want Spider-Man to start out young and be grown up by the time Avengers 4 rolls around so he can be a well-developed character who can, hopefully, take over Iron Man's role on the team given RDJ won't be around forever.

    I liked the bleeped out f-bombs in earlier episodes when they were sparsely used but I find them a bit distracting at this point.

    (Book spoilers below):

    Is it a threeway in the books? As I remember it, Eliot is drunk and Quentin and Janet help him into his bed then after they get him there they have sex because they're both drunk and bored basically.

    I'm confused by your "and then also" list. At first it seemed to be a list of terrible movies on Starz but then in the middle you threw in Shawshank and No Country for Old Men…

    "These answers will eventually be answered, but having those answers earlier would give this final flashback greater impact."

    I won't disagree that Supernatural has fallen into a predictable pattern of having one of the leads in mortal danger at the end of each season but it's still largely a fun show to watch all the same.

    Yea…I mean the larger problem with the show is they spent most of this half-season having Rick and his crew slaughter Saviors for no better reason than it gets them food from the Hilltop community. So unlike the comics, their outrage at being rounded up and punished isn't going to resonate at all because they clearly

    I would bet the Supernatural creative staff could write better seasons of TWD than the current writing crew can.

    I wasn't let down by Morgan, I thought he was the right mix of intimidating and ridiculous just as Negan is in the comics. Probably would have been just right had he been allowed to drop f-bombs as regularly as Negan does in the comics.

    Wow guys, this is Chris Hardwick and we'll take a moment to catch our breath from that amazing SquatchyPants comment but we have a lot to talk about tonight for sure. Just a crazy, fascinating, tense couple of sentences. I even felt like throwing up while reading some of them. This is the Talking SquatchyPants.

    Eh…seems a little too Ra's Al Ghul in Batman Begins to me (I'm sure other movies or shows have used this device too but can't think of any off top of my head). And also, while I do like Alicia Witt, she is no Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

    Which is dumb because that movie did poorly due to it being terrible. The Green Lantern Corps really need to be an integral part of the DCEU for it to be truly successful IMO. And rehabbing their image by having Hal support in a Flash movie makes a lot of sense to me - it'd be similar to how Marvel rehabbed Hulk in

    After watching The Talking Dead I'm convinced Daryl is never dying. Half of the questions were from middle-aged women with Daryl fantasies on their mind. AMC surely knows they can milk this show for a lot longer by keeping him around.

    BTW was anyone else watching Talking Dead when Hardwick asked Reedus if AMC was sending out vibrators with his new show of him riding around the US on a motorcycle? The look on Norman's face after he made that joke was priceless.

    Thank you for putting into words my exact feelings about this episode. This is the straw that breaks the camel's back for me. I have only kept watching because I wanted to see Negan's introduction scene and they totally fucked it up. I'm done and hope someone spoils who actually died so I don't have to read reviews in

    Would make more sense to me if they had Green Lantern co-star in Flash's movie and just do a Brave and the Bold story given Cyborg has his own movie. But whatever.

    That makes me think of Broken Lizard's Freeloaders. It's not a good movie by any means but there is a ten to fifteen minute scene where the actual Broken Lizard guys (who aren't main cast and just produced the movie) show up to film a porno and it's incredibly funny. Kind of hard to believe how funny that scene is

    Personally I don't worry too much about how much I like someone I've never met. I enjoy Leo's movies (Cruise's too) and can leave it at that. What he does in his personal life is his own business.

    Why damn it? It's not like she was in the running for Psylocke still, that role went to Munn like a year ago. So at least she is in something Marvel related.