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    Also Curb if Curb is truly done.

    I'm fairly sure AMC would have kept Breaking Bad running another three to four seasons had Gilligan wanted to keep going. So there definitely are showrunners who choose to end their shows before a network would.

    God dammit Token.

    Breakout character is a term that normally applies to a character that was supposed to have a much smaller role than they end up having due to their popularity. A good example is Steve Urkel, who wasn't originally supposed to be the focus of Family Matters.

    Don't worry, Robb's carrying his torch pretty well and is about to solidify a key treaty with the Fre-OH GOOD LORD!!!

    Does anyone like Kendra at this point? Her acting is bad and the dialogue she's given is even worse. I'm really hoping she's gone by season two.

    Haha…came to post exactly this but no point if it's the first comment I see. But yes, 10k in 1958 is a great salary for someone who self-proclaims that her only experience is as a barista every chance she gets. But I guess we're to assume Kendra is too dumb to understand inflation.

    I don't get how any of what you just said tears at the fabric of the show given we know Sheldon is very opposed to change.

    That's what I am thinking…it seems way too late for reshoots.

    TBH I don't think Erin was really an antagonist as the show framed her to be. Her being in the position to boss around a senior associate was the partners', and really Jimmy's, doing. She did act like a know-it-all most of the time but nothing she did or asked to be done was unreasonable.

    Well there was a reason. It was because he hated her for micromanaging him despite being her senior and the first time they interacted her big gripe was that he was throwing recyclable cans into the regular trash.

    I didn't even make the connection between Kim's home town and Saul in Omaha - nice!

    It was a peck so 0.5 out of 10?

    If that's all it is, she's giving them way too much credit by factoring it in as a reason not to leave HHM.

    So Kim only owes 15k in student loans? That really shouldn't be a big deal for a lawyer in their fourth year. Certainly not one that should impact career decisions.

    They kissed each other goodbye near the end of last week's episode.

    I meant that if you classify all superhero movies as in their genre, it's a very broad genre. There are dark movies (like TDK trilogy) and comedies (like Deadpool). There are space operas (like GotG). Hell even the Blade movies are Marvel movies and those are about a guy who hunts vampires. And yes there are the more

    I just don't agree with that. For one, superhero movies aren't limited to one genre or type of movie. You can have something like Deadpool which is totally different than something like The Dark Knight. There are tons of characters that haven't been mined yet.

    I post this all the time - I don't get why people think superhero movies are a fad. They're here to stay.

    I don't think that's what the show is doing - I think the show is making a case that in spite of how awful the criminals Frank kills are, his actions are still just as bad. And again, I don't think I need the show to spell it out for me to know his actions aren't justified in either scenario.