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    I don't get why you feel the show needs to have Matt voice the opinion of viewers? Matt is his own character…I don't want to spoil anything from the rest of the season in case you haven't seen but I think later episodes explain his thinking a bit more.

    So Frank shooting up a hospital and causing mass panic there didn't count?

    I'd probably become a regular viewer of this show if Ron Swanson became a recurring character. Just say his mustache gained magical powers or something and make him a new resident superhero.

    I don't know if that's the case - Reyes certainly acts as an antagonist as in this episode and wouldn't fit in as a caricature. Frank himself is really an antagonist and is as layered as you can get. And I don't think the show ever presents Frank as doing the right thing either.

    I feel like they'll just go the big bad route (like Supernatural) and convert book characters into more traditional villains. Like Reynard and the old gods and so on. While keeping the cast in school.

    Would wight on wight action be considered necrophilia?

    I say it in every review, the pacing is way too rushed. This show really could have benefited from splitting the first book into two seasons (or airing on a network that would give it a 20+ episode season). It's a shame because the show is great at times and clearly could be consistently very good if the writers had

    I was all ready to post about how Tatiana was my soul mate after her saying she's obsessed with TMNT2 and that her first concert was Our Lady Peace…but she ruined it all by saying she hates Ducktales.

    It's like he has the career Tobias Funke always dreamed of.

    It's a device that should be used only when there is a purpose to do so. In this case, there really was none as any suspense they may have created was immediately resolved in the episode. Maybe they expected the scene to create worry for Carol but I have long stopped worrying about major characters dying in TWD.

    What was the point of having the beginning of the episode showing the blood around Carol's car when they ended up showing exactly what happened about ten minutes later? It honestly seemed like they just didn't know what to do pre-credits so they threw that in there and hoped people would see it as a great artistic

    Hilarious concept for a photoshopped image but surely there's a funnier picture of Armisen out there than the one chosen?

    Haha fair point. But I do use IGN frequently for their video game coverage and does suck that they cheaped out and went to the shittiest, buggiest commenting system possible.

    "For a show that kills off its characters with reckless abandon" - no it doesn't and stop giving TWD credit for doing so. They're great at killing off minor characters and / or just introduced characters. But they've had zero balls when it comes to killing off major players that viewers would be upset about losing

    It's a shame he disappeared in JLU. His three appearances in JL were all great and set a high standard for him that has never been met by anything else I've seen him in. That includes animated movies like Justice League: Doom, Young Justice, and definitely the Arrow-verse.

    Yea I grew up on the DCAU. I rewatched "Hereafter" from JL the other day as, IMO, it's one of the best episodes of the universe in general and a fantastic Superman story that explores his importance to the world as well as his resolve even when he has lost his powers due to a red sun. Not to mention it features a

    Unfortunately I don't think YJ can be saved - older comic book cartoons are forgotten quickly as the higher-ups rush to come out with the next best thing to tie-in with their current movies. Spectacular Spidey, Wolverine and the X-Men, Avengers EMH are three other really good ones that got cancelled prematurely.

    You think Disqus sucks…try using LiveFyre at IGN. Good lord is it bad.

    It's a story about a man who is obscenely rich and is also a master of every form of fighting…I think I can accept that he somehow can avoid killing people given he doesn't want to if I can accept that he fights crime with a cowl and cape.

    Time to start a new binge session of the DCAU and remember when my favorite superheroes were properly understood and adapted.