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    I personally can't wait for his Batman: Boston Crusader movie.

    All the negative reactions in the world won't matter if this movie makes as much money as it's on track to. That's the problem. Transformers movies have never been great yet they'll keep making them as they make a lot of money despite the poor reviews.

    Is Elementary getting a full season order or the POI treatment? Was really worried that one would get cancelled this year.

    Yea I'm pretty sure it did use to be on Netflix. I enjoyed the cultural references from when the show was out because the show aired when I was a kid and I largely missed all of that not being allowed to watch late night shows and all.

    I watched the whole run about three years ago and loved it. Obviously the picture quality is shit compared to today's standards but still very enjoyable.

    Based on what? One episode after a three-week hiatus? I'm a huge fan of the show and even I forgot it was on and had to catch it the next day.

    I don't know if I would blame it on the shows being more comic book-y. Flash S1 is about as comic book-y as a show can get. It features over-the-top villains, superpowers, characters thought to be dead coming to life, and time travel.

    Ya and that doesn't go into the stupidity of starting yet another season with a mystery (this time whose dead in the future) that can't possibly live up to the hype.

    Your whole life? What did he do - screw your wife or something?

    I don't think we need a new classification to say that people with great bodies look good in tight spandex outfits. But I also think in Trajectory's case, she looked a lot better out of costume because I hated the cornrows that much.

    I wouldn't say it's undeserved at all - remember at the beginning of the season Barry had trust issues after Thawne and only slowly warmed to the idea of Jay helping them. He now probably feels responsibility for Jay being in their lives at all and likely will have trouble trusting anyone new ever again. I mean what

    So I just watched this last night as I'm on the road and I think this pretty much was A Very Special Episode. I mean just look at the way the director intentionally focuses on glum Harrison Wells smiling proudly as Barry finally publicly decries V9. Trajectory wasn't even a real character, she was a drug-addled

    I worry about Flash after this season given how average to bad Arrow has been the last two years (and how mediocre Legends is as well). Maybe they could have blamed last season on having their plans derailed by WB but this season is just as equally a mess.

    The problems are so beyond whether they have a decent bad guy or not, I mean they actually do have one this season in Dahrk. The writing is just bad and episodes are paced terribly. It seems like they're more interested in gotcha moments than actually well developed plots.

    I get what you're saying but I think most people haven't liked the Hand stuff because it's been severely under-explained (maybe on purpose to set up other shows) and it contrasts starkly with the other, better developed plots in the series. They frame things like Nobu being alive and Elektra being Black Sky as

    Why do I give two shits about the movie making a lot of money? I don't work for WB, I just want it to be good.

    I had a friend try to do that once cause he wanted to buy his girlfriend some stupid stuffed animal she saw there at a kid's birthday party and liked. He wasn't allowed in as he had no kids with him.

    One of the best margaritas he has ever had? How often does he drink margaritas then - never?

    The first two have animated adaptions for those who don't want to read.

    Transformers has benefited recently from the growth in foreign markets though, I believe the latest movie did worse domestically than the original one did. They also aren't trying to release 2-3 movies a year in their franchise (yet) like WB is with the DCEU.