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    I mean I haven't seen the movie but the trailers already full of Darkseid signs. So it wouldn't be much of new news.

    Meh I mean that's just a public vote of confidence. I can't imagine they're going to keep putting up with movies that don't get received well.


    This movie's box will be fine but will WW and SS's? Those movies will have a lot of pressure to release something very well received now I think.

    Can someone please just get Zach Snyder the fuck out of the DCEU? I seriously don't get why he ever was put in charge.

    That's really not true at all. I'm a huge fan of all things comic books and would love the shit out of a good DC movie, as I did with TDK.

    I now kind of wish I hadn't read the books a few weeks ago just so I could see how much of this episode would have made sense without that knowledge.

    Not even joking, my client right now has TPS and TPF reports. Basically transaction processing success / failure reports.

    I don't know if duration matters and I didn't intend for my story to come off as "I had growing pains and needed to hit golf balls to adjust." I don't really want to go into it but I had a situation very similar to Kim's and I approached solving it much the same way she has (although I never scammed a guy for 10k, I

    She's part of the cast of Luke Cage so I wouldn't worry about her leaving too much.

    Seems to me she'd be uniquely qualified to be a nurse on call for the Avengers.

    Can they just bring this and Global Guts back as game shows?

    Seems like you saved yourself twenty minutes of wasted effort then.

    Sorry, I don't have a lot of tolerance for people who post idiotic comments.

    Well guess I won't be going seeing how I waited in an online queue for 20 minutes starting from 10 am CST on the dot and by the time I got through Friday and Saturday were sold out. I definitely won't be paying a premium to the fuckwads who bought tickets solely to resell them for a profit.

    I hate it when people claim reviews are bought and paid for. If you have actual proof other than the review doesn't match up to your opinion, present it. Otherwise shut the fuck up - you sound like a moron trying to discredit other people's opinions as only possible if they're being paid for them.

    I've never read TDKR…is that really what the artwork looks like? It's pretty awful…

    I've seen other sites say this is Kim's "breaking bad" moment but c'mon…haven't we all been there? When I first started my job I got ragged on every single day and eventually I had to sneak out every now and then to hit a bucket of balls at a driving range to keep myself sane. I'm still at that job now (much improved

    When people say a superhero show is realistic, they don't mean that it is something that could actually happen. They mean this is the way the world may actually react to someone with superpowers showing up given what we know about our world.

    He doesn't care about dying, he does care about not being able to give his family everything they need as he feels responsible for his son's death. I think it's pretty straightforward.