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    I'm definitely good with the creators taking their time but it's worth pointing out S7 isn't a sure thing.

    I may be missing it but where does it say ten-episodes in that link?

    I think this episode deserves two grades. One just as a general episode and one as a season finale. I did think they could have ended with something monumental even if the creators just ran out of episodes but the episode on its own was hilarious.

    The episode count didn't get cut short. Adult Swim ordered two eight-episode seasons after S4 and Jackson / Doc just haven't been able to pace a season arc within that limit.

    Dr. Strange will have Wong (played by Benedict Wong coincidentally). I think that's it though.

    I've always assumed it was his voice work with Lex Luthor in the DCAU.

    Haha…that scene where he brings Karen up to Matt and Elektra and then says "nice meeting ya" as she stormed out. He knew what he was doing.

    Elodie Yung is a badass in real life though, she has a black belt in karate. I have no issues with her having a thin frame personally.

    If you've already watched it on Netflix then no you aren't. I'm talking about the people who will watch it for the first time years from now and then bitch about how it got cancelled prematurely.

    To be honest only shows you mentioned I've seen are The Wire and Magicians so can only comment on those. For The Wire, would counter that while Snoop and Omar (who you didn't mention) both did die on that show, they were major characters who stuck around til their natural ends. I mean just about everyone on the drug

    The easy thing to do here is to blame CBS but I'm going to go ahead and blame the general viewing public. Screw you guys for watching CSI and NCIS in droves. FUCK all of ya'll for being responsible for Two and a Half Men getting double-digit seasons. And no, none of you are invited to join the POI bandwagon 3-5 years

    It was pretty much exactly like that. Honestly I went into that center hoping it would take five minutes so I could get a DQ Blizzard and left a hour later too stunned to eat 1000 calories worth of ice cream.

    I don't think it has anything to do with characterization. Quentin still treats Fillory as an escape in the show, same as in the books. He's portrayed pretty closely to the books thus far. The show it just rushing to get to Fillory by the end of the first season and advancing every plot too fast IMO.

    I'm not going to be able to remember every show I've seen / am watching off the top of my head. But just thinking about it for five minutes, I thought of Captain Holt from Brooklyn 99, Mr. Terrific from Arrow, Captain Singh from Flash, and James Stinson from HIMYM. If I have more time, I'll try to think through it a

    Back in middle school I had an assignment to interview an older person not related to me and write about their life. I met with a guy at a retirement home who had been in the Navy during WWII. He told me a story about how he was on watch duty one night and he turned his back for a second and by the time he looked back

    Thanks man - I'll add those to my list of things to check out. From what I remember from last year, just about every bar we went to had free shows. Best band I saw was at the Brew Exchange (which also had the stages set up really well) so likely will go back there.

    I don't really remember 2002 but to be honest, I'm not going to knock the show on not having the main characters discuss 9/11 out of context either way.

    Worried based on what? Mad Men got half of the ratings BCS does and stayed on the air for seven seasons and Breaking Bad did just as well in the ratings until its last season. AMC will keep this til Gilligan wants to end it simply because it's a critical darling.

    By "don't make sense" do you really mean "are too convenient"? Because all of the things he does makes sense given he's a dying man whose only goals left in life is to get closure with his family and revenge on his enemies.

    A lot of people seem to agree with you actually but I think that's cause a lot of people watch this show with Breaking Bad expectations. I'm personally really happy with the pace and find the character drama very compelling.