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    Just going to go ahead and copy and paste a reply I made in another BCS thread:

    You guys can go ahead and write the "AMC renews Better Call Saul for a fourth season" and "AMC to end Better Call Saul with a two-part fifth season" articles right now if you want. They're basically locks.

    Just another classic Winston and Dunston mess around.

    For what? Julia has already confronted Quentin in the show and he already talked to the Dean about it (both happen differently from in the books). The Beast has also already appeared on the show and it was partially Quentin's fault. And Plum is a character no one even knows that may never even be on the show given how

    Yea not saying anything negative about her character overall, just that what happened to her really isn't Quentin's fault at all.

    Quentin definitely goes back to the Dean to tell him to fix Julia after she talks to him - I just double-checked to make sure. He doesn't ignore it, he feels really bad about what happened to her even though it really isn't his fault. To the point where he accepts her punishment in Fillory at the end of the second

    I personally thought Julia was a bigger dick to Quentin in the books than he was to her unless I'm forgetting something. She doesn't get into Brakebills and falls into a depression, then takes it out on him despite him having no say in her getting in or not. Then she tries to bribe him into risking his own position at

    Batman in Gods and Monsters isn't even Bruce Wayne anyways.

    Nick Fury in Ultimate comics was based on Sam Jackson and debuted in 2001. So they didn't change him overnight. And really they didn't change the character at all so not sure why it matters. I'd sure as hell rather have Jackson than David Hasselhoff.

    I would agree that he clearly indicates that Susan isn't in Narnia because she is focused on her personal life over Narnia. What I don't agree with is that he was specifically attacking women making it a sexist plot development. I think he was disparaging anyone who doesn't focus on religion over themselves.

    I never thought the whole Susan isn't in The Last Battle was sexist personally. For one, I assumed she wasn't there because she wasn't on the train that killed the others in England. Two, I think she wasn't a friend of Narnia's because she stopped believing in it (and convinced herself she had never been there at

    It's possible. But even if that happened, wouldn't be a big deal to me. The books paint the twin gods of Fillory, Ember and Umber, as anything but infallible and omnipotent. So wouldn't surprise me if the show ran with that even more and showed them screwing up at every turn.

    Based on the books, I don't think Martin's inability to return to Fillory had anything to do with him being molested. I think it had more to do with him being the oldest sibling of the Chatwins and growing too old to return (like with the Narnia books).

    I reread the reviews from those episodes and didn't see anything about the deaths being too gory even. The closest thing I could see to a complaint was a comment about how SyFy called Jane Professor Sutherland in one picture by accident…

    It was the 9th episode of the season I believe - before then Jimmy blames Howard for all of his misfortunes.

    He has the potential, sure, but realizing it would mean working his ass off and doing things the hard way and the right way like Kim is now.

    Yea I can agree with all of that.

    Except Jimmy doesn't know Chuck is the reason he isn't at HHM until the end of S1. And before that, he still cuts every corner he can.

    But see I don't agree Jimmy is a skilled lawyer. He is a terrific negotiator and, again, great at appealing / selling to people. But he doesn't follow the letter of the law at all and really has no interest in doing so - that is a large part of being a good lawyer in my book.

    The thing is though, Chuck, unlikable as he is, really is right about Jimmy. Jimmy cuts a lot of corners and makes questionable decisions as a lawyer - see appalled reactions from Kim and Erin so far this season at seemingling minor things he did. He would be great in a lot of careers but in one that requires him to