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    How do partnership tracks work? Does it make sense that Kim is a fourth-year associate, same as the recently hired off the street Jimmy? Seems to me like she has always been underappreciated at HHM as I'm assuming she did the Post-It note hustle once before to get her office in the first place.

    It's funny because when I was watching this episode I did think this is like an episode of Supernatural. I didn't realize Gamble was involved with this show so makes sense now.

    They definitely didn't complain when Kady's mom, Jane Chatwin, or Mike died in previous weeks. So pretty much, yeah.

    Kady really isn't anything like Josh personality-wise though (and the main four would certainly include Alice or Julia above Josh anyways). I think also given Kady's last name, a lot of people assumed she is an expanded version of Amanda Orloff (the girl who the Beast eats in the books).

    I'm assuming Kady will eventually return and take Anais' spot. It is a shame they wrote Josh out of the show though, I liked him quite a bit in the books.

    When people say a show is "killing off people of color to drive the plot or characterization of white protagonists" they often ignore everything else that is happening in the show. Just a few weeks ago this show had an older white woman, Kady's mom, die to drive the plot for Julia and Kady. Just last week, it killed

    Yes but again, one show's story decisions have nothing to do with another's decisions. Good reviewers should be objective enough to understand this.

    Believe it or not, the book version is much more insufferable.

    Is down-rating TV episodes for perceived slights against people of color or people who are LGBT AV Club's new thing? Agent Carter reviews were riddled with comments about how Dr. Wilkes was being mistreated because on a show where just about every main character was put in mortal danger, he was put in mortal danger.

    Yea that was the same thing my friend said and it's believable, just was strange they didn't have her say something to that effect.

    I'm heading to Austin Wednesday for the last few days of SXSW - not going to any official events, just going to bars / restaurants around the area to watch smaller bands and acts. Had a blast last year doing the same thing and my buddy is actually playing a few shows this year. If anyone has bar / venue suggestions

    One thing that really bugged me about this episode. The previous episode showed Dr. Mrs The Girlfriend convinced that Rusty was the Blue Morpho - she even tried to convince the rest of the Order of the 13 that was the case. Then in this one, she is the one against that theory. It was a jarring break in continuity for

    I don't know why but I cracked up at the advertisement for n&n's in this episode.

    Best episode ever IMO is "Blood of the Father, Heart of Steel." It's an episode that I had to rewatch as soon as it ended and I understood what the dollar values and superhero names for Brock were in reference to. Actually just watched it again on Saturday and it's still gold.

    I feel like this episode got a little too much credit for simply having Alicia Witt. She was great, as she usually is, so some mediocre material got elevated due to her working opposite McBride. But there really wasn't a single point in the episode where I thought Maggie or Carol were in danger nor, as the episode

    I highly doubt they cause Jeffrey Dean Morgan only to use him as a red herring. In fact, I'd be really upset if they did that.

    a. A movie is defined as a motion picture - nothing else. Nowhere does it say that a movie has to be self-contained and cannot leave threads open for other movies. I mean movies like Back to the Future 2 actually ended with a "To be Continued…" in theaters.

    I totally disagree - movies shouldn't have one definition and they shouldn't have to adhere to outdated structures.

    I don't get why you think every character in a movie set in a shared universe needs to be fully explored. The movies don't need to be self-contained, they can take from other previous movies and leave threads open for future movies.

    For b and c - I feel like the directors and actors have addressed this many times. The movie itself will focus on Cap and continue his and Bucky's stories from TWS. The trailers obviously are playing up the entire team to draw in a larger market. Also the beauty of having a shared universe is you don't have to explore