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    My assumption is Tony realized his own fallibility after the Ultron debacle and is now over-compensating. In his mind, if someone as smart as him could fail, anyone can. So everyone needs to be controlled.

    My personal favorite story, I had a roommate in college one year I just kind of grew apart from after we lived together. No personal reason, we just hung with different crowds after that. Two years after college I started a new job as a traveling consultant and find out he gets hired for the same exact job (despite

    I don't think ABC was doubling up because of bad ratings. Agent Carter was supposed to premiere on January 5th and run for nine weeks (with a two-hour premiere). Then the State of the Union address got scheduled for the 12th and ABC decided to delay the show to the 19th to avoid a break. They had to air double

    I consider ten episodes a full season personally - I think twenty plus episodes a season is way too long and more often than not results in plots dragging or an increase in inconsequential case of the week type episodes.

    It seems like people lack patience with new shows to wait around while not much is happening to me. But I could be generalizing too much based on what I read on comment boards like this and IGN's.

    I miss 'comfort TV' hour-long shows - there really aren't too many left. USA used to have a ton (Psych, White Collar, so on) but they've shifted to dramas now (with the exceptions being Royal Pains, which has worn out its welcome).

    I just finished the trilogy of books and was very pleased by them - they aren't perfect but I found them all really entertaining and the developments well-paced. I really do think the show is moving too fast…they've gone through what is three years of developments in the books in one semester already. I kind of wonder

    I noticed they changed where he was from as well and also thought it was odd. Why change such an insignificant detail? Maybe they plan on having an episode on Elliot's farm and wanted to actually film in Ohio?

    I liked Eureka too - especially the early seasons.

    "No complaints here fatty!"

    They have to work in Beaver calling everyone a bunch of idjits at least once.

    I've randomly run into people I haven't seen in years enough to know in real life, the world can be a very small place. So I don't really see any issue with it.

    That's true but context matters. The first episode had almost 7M viewers, most of whom likely came with faint interest due to the show being related to Breaking Bad. That number was a record at the time BTW. The finale finished with about 2.5M viewers, roughly the same as the S2 premiere.

    "How great is it to have Jim Beaver back as soft-spoken, just-the-facts black market gun dealer Lawson? So great. He’s the only other character in Gilligan’s ABQ-verse who matches Mike’s professionalism, expertise, and preternatural calm."

    Same - I don't know what happened because the show is still the same. I just completely lost any and all interest in this year, it seems so bland compared to the other shows I have on my DVR list.

    Agreed - which is why I like this season (and last) so much. I just hate that they got lower episode counts that make the gaps between seasons (or even specials) seem so much longer.

    Assuming this show gets more seasons they'll all be back.

    I would say they are building on established characters, most notably the Monarch and Dr. Mrs The Monarch. I think the season is clearly building to them separating and / or Monarch finding out he is related to the Ventures.

    I haven't seen it in a while but that scene where Brock and Rocco were riding in the car and Rocco touched Brock's hair was a reference to Lethal Weapon - right? Either way, that made me crack up.

    Rick deciding to kill the Saviors in their sleep before they could find Alexandria was real cold-blooded and, frankly, the type of move the Governor would have made. Not saying it's a bad development, just surprised no one would have said anything to that effect when he announced the plan. I mean Tara followed the