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    Do you typically go swimming in the ocean with a revolver?

    He loved being in Australia as I remember it since it let him film in his native country.

    I agree with the point about Eliot and Margo moderating a pass or be expelled exercise made no sense. Their role seems to change in every episode and it's a little frustrating. But other than that, I enjoyed this episode quite a bit.

    Ah I see yeah that's definitely possible. But I could also have seen him doing it for free just for the kicks and a possible favor from Mike. Maybe they'll say which it is next week.

    Well we didn't see the entirety of the call between Jimmy and Mike so not sure how we can conclude anything about what Mike offered or didn't offer.

    Cause it took him five minutes to do and now Mike owes him another favor.

    I worried a little for Kim after this episode. She has been going out of her way to help Jimmy settle into his new position and now Chuck knows it. He surely noticed that Kim reassured Jimmy in the meeting he attended and he can't be happy that she was the primary driving factor in him getting a partner track, as

    They definitely have relationship issues this season, some caused by the change in dynamic in their working statuses and some caused by outside factors like Copycat last week. But I mostly thought she came to a fairly reasonable conclusion that The Monarch was being a petty asshole as he so often is.

    For 1 I dunno, the Monarch is a fairly big goofball and it's entirely believable he'd go on a date with Gary in an ill-conceived attempt to make his wife jealous.

    I think I laughed the most at Monarch and 21 getting back home, realizing that Dr. Mrs. The Monarch was there already, and immediately beginning to dance for the second time in the episode. Then the Monarch being accused of going out on a date night with 21 to spite his wife.

    You could argue Louie's theme song does that. It conveys that the show is squarely about Louie and that his life is sad.

    I can accept many of the clarifications so if I don't address any, just means I agree with what you countered with:

    The only thing on your list I gave the show a pass on is Jesus - he basically is portrayed same as in the comics where he is basically a ninja. But I spent the last ten minutes writing out most of the same points above and wish I had read this before doing so.

    I had a number of issues with this episode so personally wouldn't have given it a A-:

    I personally still find it funny…things like the Austin Mayor's video from two weeks ago and the gyno Carrie sees before that really cracked me up. And I am definitely able to notice when I find stuff unfunny as I stop laughing.

    The show has already been picked up for two more seasons…

    You know what I kind of want to see - a real-time cooking show / sketch comedy hybrid. Basically, the show would start out with showing you how to prep and set up a meal. Then in the time you need your meal to cook (simmer, bake, whatever) they fill the time with sketches.

    I knew I recognized Valentina…she's in Mr. Robot as well.

    So…are we ever going to see Person of Interest S5?

    The needing a place to stay for a month is ridiculous. And the way she tolerates straight-up creepy behavior from people she barely knows is also fairly unbelievable. She basically has been written as a generic stock character whose personality fits perfectly with the gang already. It's lazy writing compared to how