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    I'm not sure if you mean to add to anything I said, but I wouldn't agree with that at all. I think the first episode after Zooey took her break was great and I've found the past two episodes humorous as always. The cast still has great chemistry and could definitely support the show if Zooey ever left for good. I just

    I like Megan Fox being on this show personally but this whole plot of her moving in seems so forced. It's really hard to believe the writers couldn't have come up with something better…hell I'd go for five episodes of random people living in the loft with Nick always having someone who doesn't speak English to face

    I haven't read the books yet (plan to at some point) but I imagine they are building towards a confrontation with the Beast in Fillory by the season finale. Which would be a mistake IMO because they've barely even established what Fillory is. I had to look it up online to understand it was basically Narnia in this

    I'm not really judging the pacing based on any one episode though. I think the larger developments have happened too quickly and / or without proper build-up. Things like Julia being expelled from the hedge witches or Penny visiting Fillory. It is rare that I want a show to slow down and focus on world-building

    Agree with the review, the show has clear pacing issues. The good thing about the Harry Potter books is that you truly feel the exhilaration that Harry did from learning magic and finding out about the magical world. The conflict with Voldemort was there from book one but wasn't really the main focus at first.

    I can only hope that the lesson that Fox learned from Deadpool is to hire creative teams enthusiastic about the source material and to let the rating be established naturally based on the scripts they produce. But my guess is that isn't the case at all.

    I could swear there was a version of Monopoly like this out years before this.

    Did they just run out of money by the end of the shooting this episode? That montage of all of the Alexandrians slashing their various weapons towards a camera was brutally bad.

    No new Fargo in 2016 either :(

    That would suck. I was hoping for a Howling Commandos series or, if they can talk Michael Douglas into it, a Hank Pym Ant-Man one. Something that, like Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD, takes a supporting movie character and expands their backstory.

    Would be a shame but I'd have been surprised if it got another season either way. Would be cool if we got a different Marvel mini-series to air during the AoS hiatus next year.

    Deadpool v Cable: Dawn of X-Force

    The plot is based on no hotels outside a Red Roof Inn being available in LA? As a consultant who traveled to and stayed in LA for two years…I find that highly unlikely.

    How often do you hold a handful of hot toothpaste to be able to come up with that comparison?

    I did the same thing and The Magicians made Supergirl look bad…real bad IMO.

    He also cloned his sons numerous times.

    Whether he's Meth Damon or Fat Damon or nice guy Landry Jones, one thing we can always count on is he'll be killing someone.

    Ah I see - haven't seen that one yet actually. But that seems odd for him to say as I think Sara still had her bloodlust in the episode after Constantine showed up.

    Yes but Felicity really isn't qualified or ready to be a CEO of a major company - neither was Oliver when he took over. I feel bad for the poor employees of that company.

    I really hate how Savage has been portrayed in the Arrowverse as well…he is a caricature of the awesome character from the old JL / JLU cartoons. I was so excited when he was announced at first too.