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    Master of None reminds me of both Extras and Louie. Dev's attempts to grow his acting career is a lot like Andy's in Extras and the loose plotting of the show in general is similar to how Louie maintains a general plot while not being restricted to it.

    IMO what should have happened is Ollie should have died when Ra's stabbed him and been resurrected in the Pit. They could have then shown him being brainwashed by Ra's and set up the second half to be him returning to Starling under, at least, partial control of the League of Assassins.

    I've been saying since last year that Ray never fit into Arrow and actually took away from S3 considerably. He didn't fit in tonally at all and his sub-plots often deviated from the main one which hurt the pacing of the show.

    He's been good in this but if you like his performance and haven't seen him in Justified you're doing yourself a disservice. Dahrk is basically just a toned down, mystical version of his character from that show.

    I think any actor who can nail the Comedian as JDM did has the range to play Negan.

    I think Jesus is the one who they will reveal saved Glenn and Glenn will be back in Alexandria before Negan shows up. I'd be surprised to see much of Negan before the end of the full season, especially if they just cast him.

    This is brilliant casting…so much better than the rumor that it would be Garrett Dillahunt (and that is no knock on Dillahunt either).

    Aziz's parents' story is identical to my parents story of coming to America…it is uncanny.

    Secondary question - why wouldn't they just propose moving into the bacon house that clearly already had working solar power set up? Or at least using it as a mess hall.

    Season 8 - Homer's Enemy

    You should rewatch the Frank Grimes episode if you don't remember it - an all time classic.

    Gail has at least gotten some good lines this season between describing how Gordon was a racist in an earlier episode and her conversation with Carol about knocking in this one. Plus all of the drinking jokes. I'd say she is squarely a good character.

    He mostly reminds me of a better looking version of Frank Grimes…that is to mean a guy who has good intentions but also dick like qualities because he can't deal with everything not going according to his plan. I mean Phil 2.0 is the most proactive of the group in trying to re-establish a community.

    So the crux of Phil 2.0 wanting to leave Malibu was because they couldn't sustain powering their devices with the gas-powered generators…right? But wasn't Phil's idea to use solar panels a brilliant solution to that (even if he didn't know how to implement it himself) and one Phil 2.0 should have thought of given he

    But the Clyde Watch is half the reason I even read these reviews!

    Damnit, now you have me imagining Funkhouser quoting Mean Girls. Well done.

    I like Patty 10x more than Iris already, and that is with Iris having considerably improved from beginning of last year. Shame that Barry is just going to break up with her…

    I'm still hoping they just convince Craig to stay for one more movie personally.

    There was a story last year that the entire cast feels underpaid and Lincoln himself makes about 90k an episode (which would be about 1.4M a year). Not great for having the lead role on one of the most popular shows on TV. So you could be right.

    Of course it got renewed for another season…(slight comic spoilers for anyone who may care):