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    I assumed his hallucination only included people who had died (including his innocent, younger self). I was surprised Shayla didn't make an appearance moreso than Darlene.

    Elliot can't be Wellick…there are just too many inconsistencies and moments throughout the season where they are clearly treated as different characters.

    The estimate I saw for Into Darkness was around $30M in profit. Not a huge number by any means but a profit is a profit.

    I get that fans of Star Trek don't like the new movies but in what world is a movie which made nearly $400M and garnered widespread critical acclaim "fucking up"?

    I saw one article that linked to how to date Nathalie Emmanuel and thought they were finally changing it up. But nope, next day back to Dormer.

    Not really - it sucks that White Collar, a genuinely good show that hadn't begun to noticeably decline, only got six seasons, including a six-episode final season, while Royal Pains gets eight seasons and at least 23 more total episodes. It sucks that good actors like Campbell Scott and Ben Shenkman are stuck on a TV

    Maybe but the commercials for all of those shows were pretty clear as to what the plot was. It's not like Monk or Psych were any more descriptive - the difference is most of the shows you mentioned were no good so no hype ever built up for them.

    I feel like USA has had a really bad run with original shows lately (Mr. Robot aside of course). Rush, Dig, Benched, Sirens, Complications are a few that premiered in last two seasons off the top of my head I can think of that didn't last very long at all.

    So are they going to start delivering beer in general? I would love it if I could get craft brews from across the country delivered without having to go to multiple different sites.

    QT is free to have his own opinions on what shows are great and not like the rest of us. I do agree with him that just because a review grades a show one way or the other doesn't mean it should change your mind on how you enjoy it…

    C+ is beyond generous. This show gave zero thought to telling a cohesive story all season and this finale illustrated that well.

    Presence of Christopher Meloni makes a movie or TV show gay?

    The writing on this show is so bad. There is next to no flow or sense of continuity from one episode to the next. Entire plotlines like Charles getting naughty pictures and being kicked out are included for no reason whatsoever and then immediately forgotten.

    How is this a comedy? What about it is funny?

    I really hope this isn't the last season they ever do - they delivered on every expectation and made eight episodes I'll probably watch 10x over just like the movie.

    An honest review in what way? Netflix shows are released at the same time because they expect you to binge them. The shows are often not paced like traditional weekly shows. So watching and reviewing the show at a normal pace doesn't make a whole lot of sense in my book.

    I thought MIB went out and said the whole Cooper shooting in one day thing wasn't true. His scenes were extremely limited though.

    I don't get why people believe there will be a superhero fatigue. People go to the movies sometimes to just go see big, dumb action. That's why the Transformers movies continue to do well despite being garbage films overall.

    You could call a meal edible but that doesn't make it good…

    The street toughs are the indoor kids from the movie!