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    It's a very subtle Easter Egg - I didn't notice either but read an article on Mashable that pointed it out.

    Not really…in the movie he mainly plays the straight man to Meloni and shows up in random scenes (like dancing to Higher and Higher with Meloni and Showalter).

    She is in the show along with the rest of the nerds - they're the punks who Jon Hamm deals with in I think the next episode.

    You realize both M. Night and the Wachowski siblings have gotten TV deals of late - right?

    I saw Edge of Tomorrow twice in theaters. Keep mentioning it #SixMoviesandaTVShow

    I'm pretty excited for the return of football in general.

    I wish this show was actually about football. I wish they actually showed football scenes and had the drama intercut with that. Basically I wish this was more like HBO's Playmakers and less like HBO's Football Husbands.

    That was a great episode but I honestly still don't know who half of the characters are when they refer to them by name. I'd say I'd rewatch this season to figure it out but I honestly don't know if I can stomach the first five episodes again.

    Honestly, I didn't think her answers were all that snarky to begin with. Like when she was asked if she read the book (which was a question that was insultingly phrases by the host BTW) her initial response came off to me as a joke and after that she did answer the actual question sincerely.

    This show turned that scene of Lindsey and Abby making out into a scene of a 24 year old woman and an 11 year old girl making out. Hilarious.

    Did you actually watch the interview? They got her name wrong and asked her stupid-ass questions, some of which were disrespectful honestly. I wouldn't put up with that myself.

    You mean Ilyrio? I think they've mostly recast characters out of necessity more than anything. And I doubt they brought in a ringer like McShane to take over a role.

    McShane is awesome - it still pains me to this day they couldn't find a way to get him on Justified, even if it was just for one episode. Don't care who he is playing, just glad he'll be on the show.

    If by reading between the lines you mean actually reading the book and assuming Doran has the same motivations - I agree. But if you mean just watching the show, no there was no real hint of him having any sort of master plan.

    Well I'm with you on the not having seen it since it first aired so maybe I'm judging it too harshly.

    I honestly thought the show's writing overall was average but McShane was so good, as always, that it was above average to watch.

    Unless this gets great reviews, I'm not going to be watching. I've got enough Walking Dead in my life as-is.

    How did they not cast Vincent Kartheiser in the snooty camp? Sommer isn't bad (I've liked his appearances in Elementary) but man Pete Campbell would have been at home at Camp Tigerclaw.

    Movie first for sure.

    Well I just now am watching the 8th episode and I'll say I laughed out loud several times at the payoff jokes.