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    Did you laugh out loud a lot while watching the original movie? I love WHAS but it wasn't really that kind of humor. Like the scene in the movie where they go into town and eventually get hooked on heroin - that was a very funny scene but not one I laughed out loud at.

    It's a travesty that they didn't recreate the scene of him falling down during capture the flag IMO. Unless they did do it in the 8th episode which I have yet to see.

    Is it sad that my favorite parts are the ones with Jon Hamm and John Slattery this season? God I miss Mad Men already.

    True - it may be dumb but I more judge a show's popularity based on how much the people I know watch it. Breaking Bad, for example, I could not convince more than a handful of my friends and coworkers to watch it until S4 or S5.

    I can agree with that. But like I said, with two books and the whole Greyjoy side of the story left untold, I can easily see three seasons of content left.

    If she was dead all along, could he really have even let her down in the first place?

    Haha - I don't give a shit if you don't like Game of Thrones or any other show I like. It really doesn't matter to me one way or the other. I just don't form opinions about people based on what entertainment they enjoy in their spare time and hate it when other people do.

    I'm not crying about shit and you're not my bro, guy.

    I thought this was an incredible episode, it may end up being the hallmark of the first season (although will wait to judge on that). I bet in 2-3 years this is going to be the show everyone is desperately trying to catch up on. Have been trying to convince my friends to watch it and barely any have done so yet.

    I was making a point. I put my opinion out and it obviously disagreed with yours and you called me a fanboy who can't judge Game of Thrones without bias. You then gave your opinion which makes it sound like you barely even enjoy the show and I disagree with you and am calling you a hater.

    Alright dude well pretty much everyone I know and every review I read disagrees with you there so I'm just going to call you a hater now. Because labeling people because they disagree with your opinion is cool.

    So should I now put you on blast for saying something as ridiculous as S5 had three total scenes which didn't suck? Because that's ridiculous to me.

    First of all - I never said I didn't see flaws in Game of Thrones. I very clearly defined what I meant by cracks and you just chose to ignore it. So you're still calling me a fanboy based on an opinion that I see GoT as infallible even as I tell that isn't what I meant. There's a huge difference between me calling a

    I might need to reread Sansa's book arc in AFFC but that isn't how I remember it at all. Sansa in the books is very much an unplayed pawn of Littlefinger's by the end of the released books. While the books obviously won't marry her to Ramsay, there's no guarantee her fate won't be just as bad.

    Honestly dude, I lose respect for people who have to label someone as a fanboy or something else just because we differ on opinion. Maybe I just don't see what you mentioned as huge flaws and am also not a biased "fanboy"?

    No because I'm not a person who needs to see constant action and death to think a show is good. People always get upset when nothing huge happens on GoT but I enjoy the setup of big moments as much as the big moments themselves. The only huge flaw with S5 was Dorne.

    I enjoyed S1-4 a lot. After S5 I kind of lost interest in the show and stopped watching midway through S6. Still haven't seen the rest of 6 or 7-8.

    The only reason people say that is because viewers of the show give GRRM shit for scenes like Sansa getting raped when it isn't from his books at all.

    I don't see a Showtime risk at all here - take Dexter for example. That show began to show cracks in S5 and really went downhill afterwards. GoT was as strong as ever in S5 and we know there are at least two books worth of content left to wrap up. Three seasons to do that seems reasonable. Especially if some of the

    I don't get how this episode was any better than last week's episode which got a D+. Let's start with the fact that last episode ended with Spencer saying he knew the girl blackmailing Vernon as if it was a gamechanger. Then in this episode, he just tosses that connection aside as basically worthless. So WTF was the