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    Can someone teach SNL how to create on-demand programming? Every time I watch them they freeze on the still pictures of the host for, not exaggerating, a minimum of two minutes while their entire band instrumental plays. Then they stay on the picture for another twenty to thirty seconds with no music before returning

    Every year there is some idiotic theme to these articles that makes me jump straight to the comments to complain after reading 3-4 movies.

    Given we know Whedon had a cut of Avengers which was about 3.5 hours long, I wonder if this movie suffered from having to meet a certain run time. A lot of the criticisms is the movie feels rushed and explanatory scenes are missing - it is very likely that would not have been an issue if the movie was longer.

    Skeet Ulrich was supposed to be the next Johnny Depp? I liked him in Jericho just fine but that seems a bit extreme.

    I think that is the point - that she won't be able to shake her true identity because she isn't motivated to become a Faceless Man, she just wants the skills to kill those on her list. Hiding Needle kind of showed that - she isn't willing to all-in with her new role.

    The girl in Winterfell that the camera panned to was the girl Ramsey was sleeping with I think - I'm guessing she isn't going to take Sansa appearing and stealing Ramsey away very well.

    I was a little confused by the opening segment - were we supposed to agree with the Asian chick's logic? She was a total asshole and a bad business owner…if the point of the segment was to frustrate me and wish Louie was Larry David so there would be some real justice…it worked.

    When I was watching this episode I was thinking WTF is Karen's thought-process where she thinks a balloon is a good gift for Matt?

    That's possible, I just wonder if the show has enough time to do that Bronn vs Cersei plot though. Or if that plot has any real purpose in the books to the final conclusion.

    Your opinion runs contrary to everyone I know who has seen the show and critics. You're entitled to that, sure, just saying.

    Is Bronn now going to be playing the role of Oakheart in Dorne? I can't imagine they kill Jaime but Bronn seems like a goner to me by agreeing to accompany him.

    Roy honestly is the S3 MVP so far - he's been the one good constant of the show this season. Sucks his time as a regular is done.

    Technically the Atom's powers aren't shrinking but being able to control his body at the molecular level - he can do a lot more in the comics but often doesn't because it would make him so overpowered no villain would be a threat (similar to the Flash actually).

    Honestly I have no idea what direction the show is going to go in but I'd be confident that Littlefinger isn't throwing Sansa into a fire with the Boltons (I believe Ramsey still is in Winterfell). That's why I didn't think they'd be doing the FauxArya plot.

    I haven't seen any of the episodes that leaked but I have been reading a lot of the spoiler-filled preview articles here and on IGN. So possible spoilers based on previews:

    I mean honestly man do you read comment boards often? People compare fictional shows to real life all the time, so if you don't want people thinking that's your intention make your OP more detailed.

    This is an excellent review - that is all.

    So anyone who is a stepparent or adopts a child has an artificial familial existence?

    HBO never put Game of Thrones or any of their new shows on Netflix and never will - you'll be waiting a long time if that's what you're waiting for. Even if HBO Now fails they'll still force consumers to pay for HBO through cable to watch their shows…

    I mean the review kind of hit the head on it - she projected her frustrations with her own marriage onto Megan. The same way Roger projected his divorce experience with Jane onto Don.