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    Well this list only covers a half-decade so…

    Loved The World's End, Moonrise Kingdom, Ghost Protocol, and Inception. I think Wolf of Wall Street was incredibly overrated, I walked out thinking that I never wanted to see that movie again. It was just too long and overbloated for me to enjoy.

    Looper? I thought that movie was the definition of average, never understood all the critical hype it got.

    Wasn't Ava in jail for murdering Delroy though? Or did she somehow get out of that in S5 and was only stuck in jail cause of the guard thing? I can't remember S5 at all.

    I highly doubt that…do you think WB is also going to insist the CW cancels The Flash?

    Well I'd agree to that, the timing was pretty awful. And there's no question Howard is a dick from the rest of the show either.

    Could it be that a top law firm doesn't want to hire a guy who went to American Samoa and needed three tries to pass the bar? A lot of law firms are choosy about who they hire and if they had given him a job solely cause he is Chuck's brother that would be nepotism.

    $20M, to me, was a huge mistake in asking for given Chuck and Jimmy don't actually have any plaintiffs to represent at this point. They'd need a good amount of people to back their lawsuit and, based on the few seniors in this episode, it doesn't really seem like they would have the interest to do it.

    Isn't Better Call Saul set in like 2002 or something? I actually don't know if Kim would have had the ability to print as PDFs back then.

    Do you mean Kim? I don't know an Elizabeth on the show…

    Haha…that's a good joke.

    I'm really kind of wondering if this new show is going to be set in a post-Flashpoint world? It would suddenly make a lot more sense why dead Sara Lance, bad guys Captain Cold and Heat Wave, and Atom are all teaming up if that was the case.

    So I'm not a lawyer so tell me if I'm wrong here. But the sequence of events was Jimmy offered to be the Kettlemans' lawyer, they turned him down and bribed him to not say anything about the money he witnessed.

    Your problem is you're framing "the right thing" as what he should have done as a lawyer, which is his job. As a lawyer, he did everything wrong. Given that is Saul's character though, I'm a little confused why that would ruin the episode for you.

    C'mon…she's obviously returning. They wouldn't have brought her back into the story a few episodes ago if she wasn't.

    I was a big fan of Leverage, it wasn't ever one of the best shows on TV but it was always fun to watch. I keep hoping they'll do a TV movie reuniting the cast at some point.

    My favorite episode by far is The Princess and the Bounty Hunters. The entire episode focuses on the titular characters planning elaborate schemes to take down Jack with their various reasons for doing so revealed. Jack only really shows up in the last minute or so, pretty much all the time he needs to easily overcome

    Sorry…this list is woefully incomplete with Jurassic Bark from Futurama not being here. I have friends who will not sit and watch the show if that episode is on because of how sad the ending is.

    I did think it was odd that Oliver was straight killing assassins, maybe his rule only applies to non-henchmen?

    You think Matt Nable lacks the dignity or seriousness to be threatening with a few words? I completely disagree - I think he has done a great job. I also think the Laurel hate makes no sense anymore, the writers fixed everything fans hated about her character and people still bitch about her.