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    Its way too early to start complaining about season plotlines. BTW the "freak of the week" metahumans are all actual comic book villains - they were one-note for sure but all could show up again and become better characters (much like Deadshot did on Arrow) and it was the right approach for a show trying to introduce

    Weather Man, Multiplex, and Mist were all comic book bad guys - wouldn't be surprised to see any of them appear again in the future.

    Mostly the first two, I think the dialogue has been OK (but honestly dialogue is the thing I care about the least for shows like this) and the action sets have been good.

    The pacing of this show is terrible and its what has caused the characters to be woefully underdeveloped. In the very first episode, Cobblepot betrays Fish and is beaten and sent to die - we never see his relationship with Fish or his motivations for betraying her beyond so all we can assume is he is power hungry. We

    Calling it the biggest departure to date is a bit premature. You could have called Bran and company being kidnapped by the former Night's Watch last season a huge departure until it got neatly resolved and Bran made it to the Children all the same…

    Didn't see those actually - so I could be wrong.

    Rip makes sense given Booster's been hinted at appearing by the creators at some point but I was thinking it would be more obvious and he'd be Zoom (with Thawne on the show as a misdirection).

    Only disappointing thing about this episode is that Stagg and Java, who in the comics are pretty good foils and lead to the creation of Metamorpho (who I'd love to see on the show), bite it.

    Meant to say "so far" - giving it the benefit of the doubt to find its footing.

    There are valid complaints about why this episode sucked - I get the feeling the reviewer is as frustrated as I am about how poorly the show is written that its hard to focus in on one thing or the other.

    Am I the only one who thought the whole plot made zero sense? Why would two crime bosses use the same assassin / wouldn't they both be pissed if they knew he was playing both sides? Given how crooked the police department is, wouldn't it be a stretch for us to believe both crime syndicates weren't trying to piece

    Is Supernatural no longer being reviewed? Lame…

    It could still be funny but the gag will definitely have diminishing returns. I liked that 22 Jump Street was different from 21 and spent a good chunk of the movie making self-aware jokes about how lazy sequels in Hollywood typically are while still being very funny. I would be disappointed if they did a similar thing

    So is the church they're based at going to switch to back across the street next to 21 Jump Street?

    RDJ has nailed his role in all four (five if you include the cameo in Hulk) appearances as Tony Stark…your demand may better be directed at the writers of Iron Man 2 and 3 if you didn't like the plots…

    Uh what? He's confirmed for Avengers 2 and 3 already.

    What in the living **** is this article? Could not read past the 3rd movie because of the absolutely stupid attempts at being funny with Dumbass and Right On. I'll go check out IGN's movie preview - thanks.

    Just watch JLU on Netflix if you got it. Full series available.

    Have to be honest….I had no idea Nebula from Guardians was played by the Scottish chick from NTSF:SD:SUV until I read about Selfie…

    I'd rather have a season of VB every two years than a season of a show like this every year (BTW based on reading the creators blogs / listening to their commentary I'd guess the delays are more due to their inability to focus and get work done than anything else…)