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    You could then say the same thing about Bran, Ramsey, Theon, etc but on a TV show you can't tell an actor you aren't going to give them work for a year and expect them to be available again when you need them. That is why a lot of minor characters like Beric and the Mountain got recast.

    If you've seen the movie and don't agree I can respect that and leave it at that - we don't really need to agree. If you don't want to respect my opinion than that's on you.

    I'll just repeat watch Transformers 4 and disagree with me that it is an over-bloated movie that could have been fun had it been a hour shorter.

    Dany's story is actually pretty far along into the fifth book - I wouldn't be surprised if they just skip her actually marrying Hizdahr (completely pointless in the books IMO) and have her outcasted from Mereen by mid-season.

    Probably not

    That is a great question and one that is difficult to answer. Her path at this point is so different from the books - you would think at minimum she would become obsesses with finding Arya again who she knows to be alive and on her own. But with Arya heading to Bravos that really doesn't help with positioning Brienne

    Yes but with an ensemble cast you never know how it will go. What if Dinklage, Clarke, and Harrington hold out with the rest of their cast so everyone gets raises (see Modern Family)? Another possibility is one of them, likeliest being Clarke, decides they don't want to be on a TV show anymore after a certain period.

    I watch enough movies to be one but just a fan - look the biggest difference between Pacific Rim and Transformers is one was under 2 hours and one was close to 3 hours - the extra hour in Transformers is what kills it. They both had terrible stories and one-dimensional characters, but one of them knew to pack the

    Yep exactly

    I saw Transformers 4 last night and it was a truly terrible directorial job, the movie itself could have been entertaining given how awesome Stanley Tucci, Kelsey Grammar, and Lockdown were but it was over-bloated and full of dumb moments like any other movie. By the time the Dinobots even showed up I was long past

    Breaking Bad not winning with it's best episode of the series (smh and move on to something more worthwhile)

    I was mostly just joking with my comment.

    Likely dead since Davos put him on a small canoe in the middle of a fucking ocean.

    They only signed most of the actors, like Emilia Clarke, Dinklage, etc, for six seasons I believe - given the show's popularity all of them (who are still alive in the show) will demand much more money raising the show's already astronomic production cost. At a certain point, the viewership won't justify the cost to

    They kind of confirm it - they say that Coldhands died long ago (via the Children) and Benjen has only been gone for two years so most people assume that doesn't qualify as long ago as the Children are so old that isn't really a long time. But that also doesn't exactly completely dispel the possibility.

    At least they showed up unlike Coldhands - I hope him being cut doesn't mean the secret of his identity is not really a big deal…at the least I think it means Coldhands can't be Benjen since Benjen disappearing is on the show.

    I guess that is true but it is hard for me to believe the GRRM just told the show creators, oh yea that Lady Stoneheart character that I revealed as my third book's cliffhanger whose been ominously killing people in the background - yea she is definitely a character you can cut…

    Yea that's the problem - GRRM takes way too long to get the books and in a lot of cases recently what he does release is unfocused. I appreciate his building an entire history for Westoros but I honestly just want to know the ending to the main goddamn story first.

    Yea I mean I'm not one to always harp on the show having to follow the books (like I understood them killing off Robb's wife and child instead of leaving it open like the books) but some of the changes they've made recently really seem dumb.

    She definitely has a large role to play in the last two books - maybe it ultimately pays off poorly there but I doubt it.