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    It honestly makes absolutely zero sense to even introduce the Brotherhood without Banners in season 3 if they were never going to introduce Lady Stoneheart. Like why the hell did they waste time showing Beric get resurrected only to leave it as an open thread for the show? I guess non-book fans may just forget about

    I don't think the League ever were the "bad guys" - Lex was manipulating both sides the entire season (the whole Captain Marvel debacle was something he orchestrated) and I'd also disagree that the Justice Lords actions made the Justice League "bad guys" either.

    So what exactly were the parameters / rules for choosing episodes? Did Game of Thrones, Mad Men and Fargo not make it because they were still in progress of airing when episodes were chosen?

    I feel the same way but only because watching that show for 6 years was so emotionally draining that it is hard to imagine starting over anytime soon.

    Books 4 and 5, to me, seem to be a struggle of differing religions more than anything else. Many major characters are flanked by Red Priests or Priestesses who can perform magical miracles, with no explanation of how given yet. Given the symbolism linked to R'hllor, it would be hard for me to think there isn't

    Disagree - how would anyone know that to explain it? It would be contrived over-exposition akin to having a random scientist explain how a monster like Godzilla came to be as if he knows anything more than his own wacky theories about the subject.

    The Middle is the most-well known song of Jimmy Eat World's - I don't disagree with that but they have a ton of other singles that have gotten significant radio play and the genre fans they are trying to market to would likely agree that their best stuff is on Futures.

    Because it has zombies - that really is it.

    Makes sense - I do wonder if they'll ever reveal what happened to Benjen or not - he really isn't that important to the story at this point either way.

    What was the mystery with Mance exactly? Qhorin Halfhand knew him (maybe not mentioned in the show but it was in the books) - they were good friends before Mance jumped ship. Benjen being Mance is what wouldn't have made sense at all, it would have seemed like stretching, because it was, to oversimplify a complicated

    I saw them a little while ago and their encore was 23 - simply epic.

    Jimmy Eat World wasn't a one-hit wonder band at all…their singles regularly are in the Billboard Alternative chart and they've had a ton of CDs (including the very good Futures) released.

    Well yea Spectacular Spider-Man was an incredible show that got cut down way too quickly. Just like Wolverine and the X-Men. When those two shows got cancelled within a few months of each other I lost a lot of interest in superhero cartoons. Young Justice brought me back in for a bit and then that got cancelled

    Is Avengers decent? I tried watching Ultimate Spider-Man but that was so god awful I had to stop after three episodes.

    I think a B is a little harsh given how often the technical aspects of the episode were simply breathtaking - that 360 view of all the various battles was incredible and worth a B+ on its own.

    He was one of the worst characters on the show anyways IMO

    That exact thing happened in my high school in Michigan - they cancelled the game my senior year because the year before the girls went way out of hand in vandalizing the other team. It ended up being played offsite at a park anyways but the school did its best to cut ties with it.

    Haven't personally heard a single person complain - I feel like it is all media induced "controversy."

    I'd be OK with it to see Tatiana on Game of Thrones but didn't strike me particularly. Unlikely she'd be available anyways.

    I know a lot of people are bemoaning no Arianne - but I'm most upset about the apparent lack of Darkstar - this must be made right, bring the man of the night.