Ankle Drag

Seriously, the best episode of the season so far with no procedural bullshit (that works especially bad in this season to the point where I don't know why they even bother), most action and most characters being useful (well, except Major but it's Major) gets a C+? Like, whaaa?

It seems Azazel is not pissed at all, making prank calls to Nora now.

It would still be more watchable than Hathaway/Franco doing it.

Seeing this movie through, only one thought kept beating relentlesly in my head: that's how "The Godfather" would look like if the people who made were stupid enough to leave all the bullshut subplots about Johnny Fontane and Lucy Manchini and the likes in the movie. But it was McCarthy himself who wrote the script

I would think that "if one part is invalid then the rest isn't" is "default" mode for any contract without even specifically stating it. Otherwise, including that rule in a specific contract means that people who sign it may not even be sure whether the contract is fully legal which makes it a bit weird. But I agree

Ok, I'm a bit curious about that non-compete clause that allowed Richard to get out of his contract. I'm certainly not an expert on American labour laws but wouldn't it make more sense if only that particular clause would be considered null and void and not the whole contract? There are tons of contracts that include

Well, I'd say a plotline "people who betrayed each other are the ones who would easily believe that they are about to be betrayed" could be interesting but not that borderline sitcom that we saw on the screen.

I swear, I thought for a second that an alien is gonna burst out of her chest.

High marx for your comments, everybody.

Stalin did it.