
Oh fuck. You got me. What a great run this was.

If it’s the *RIGHT* the X-Force movie, you bet your ass we do. The problem is that, as much as I love Deadpool, this is focusing on the *wrong* X-Force. What we need is the Milligan/Allred X-Force:

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

Or just go man, maybe they’ll cut you

1. Mr.


Only semi-relevant, but: “So I Married An Ax Murderer” is the most underrated comedy of all time.

or Papi!

They ain’t touching the fat man, and they god damn better not touch Bomani.

Brandy Alexander! Yay Feist!

He certainly persevered through a varsity to be there

Do the old gimmick of having Trump look in the mirror. Baldwin plays Trump; Rosie O’Donnell plays the reflection.

Thank you for this, Nick. I really mean that. I wondered last night if I was overreacting, oversimplifying or imagining that State sure as fuck will ball up its fist for Duke and UNC, or any ranked team, and then shit the bed against everyone else the next day. They’ve been doing it ever since the Les Robinson years.

As someone who lives in Raleigh, I can tell you that State fans are the saddest group of people I’ve ever met. They are so used to failure that they literally never allow themselves to be optimistic. It’s not that they look at the glass half-empty. The glass is shattered on the floor and they’ve already slipped on the

Good for them. It’s usually the Trojans getting fooled by something hidden on the inside.

Apparently nobody told Levi you’re never supposed to double wrap a Trojan

Bloop had me crying.

Had to skip the hospital blood puking pooping story - that was just too much. tooooo much.