Anita Karenin

he is such an underutilized actor, happy to see him getting to show off his chops.

will be kind of a bummer if they slot him into this role instead of bringing Geneva Pine and Matan Brody back onto the case.

oops, like I said above: I don't think it's the same thing as someone suddenly dying. this is a young person who 1) has probably not experienced death before and 2) has psyched herself out by thinking that it could have been her.

I work a few blocks from the Navy Yard and got really freaked out by that shooting. Definitely cried for a minute. Living in DC around 9/11 you saw a lot of this too. But it's a truly shocking event - the idea that an attorney could get shot IN COURT! Where the guns are supposed to PROTECT you! It's legitimately

Probably the adoption plotline lawsuit, where David Lee lures back over one of Alicia's partners and gets him to lie under oath?

Will is never testifying against him or sleeping with Alicia again.

I thought it was pretty messed up that she implied to her child that a man she had an affair with was going to hell, if hell exists.

This was definitely the best day of Peter's life.

Solid comment but - I don't know, I think when young kids do this it's because death scares the bejeezus out of them. If that's what they were going for it was a little odd.

Best part of tonight's episode: the parallels between Eli and David Lee's immediate responses to the situation and how the writers use these to show Eli's character. What was up with Diane and the intern, though? She just can't stand weakness?

Hate Amazon, but thanks :)

Is David Lee slipping? Why didn't he call the fire marshal to ix-nay FA&A's holiday party?

I JUST NEED MORE PATTI NYHOLM, OKAY? Seriously though, is Michael J Fox just off the show forever now? Miss those two together.

If they're going to make fun of over-the-top pregnant ladies/new moms, I'd rather it be Patti Nyholm.

No, this is a different case. The couple suing them was never shown.

I subscribed to Hulu just to binge this series. It has some episodes that aren't *as good* as others (the Derrick Bond episodes, arc with Kalinda's husband in season 4 that everyone hates, Will's suspension). I should really do a blog post about which ones are skippable. There are so many episodes I doubt anyone will

Yeah you could start in season 3 I guess, I can't remember when Will & Alicia's affair started. The episodes that are must-see are ones with Elsbeth and with Colin Sweeney. The one in season 4 that features Ashbaugh is also must-see, Peter at his finest.

It is really shockingly good. Most of it you can probably piece together through reading past AVC reviews. It is a continuity based serialized show. I started watching halfway through season 4 but I had a friend to explain things to me. The tricky thing is that there are recurring characters who appear maybe 2 or 3

Kluger obviously wants Alicia to put a word in for him with Peter about the judgeship.