
You are so positive even now. Keep yourself out there and you will be found by the right people. Good wishes.

Greaat work. Great sentiment. You were already ungreyed. Should stay that way, yes.

Bad anniversary. Brave brave kitty.


Lawsuit time!

But isn’t that because the books and the movies are always about the criminals and their crimes. Their victims, eh, just the victims.

Wouldn’t ‘glut’ be better?

Nothing new though. William Randolph Hearst and the Spanish-American war. Journalism at it’s yellowest.

Three weeks, huh? He might be gone by then.


Now, now. She was judged for her words first, then was flattered for her improved appearance.

I am so glad i already hate marshmallow fluff.

KAGA? Oh barf.

See, Arizona, where they shut down planned parenthood clinics where this woman might have gone and found out she was pregnant. And then gotten proper care. Arizona, not the place to live if you’re female.

She wasn’t vegetative. She was a developmentally handicapped female PERSON. That was why she had a child, not a sprout.

Incel might rape a comatose drunk girl but this is different.

Kids become adults at 18. If he is not quite there he will be soon. Time to gtfu.

If he can. in a man’s world...

Yes. This and more. That is what they’re good at. Not being able.