No, he’s not.
Only because for many centuries gay men have been invisible.
Did he forget that all priests vow celibacy? Of course with all the abusive perverts the cchurch had apparently modified that rule. Maybe now, go back to it.
They are investigating the allegations to determine his employability, the police should be investigating to determine criminality. I don’t know if they are.
So far.
They already did. Tyson is just a copycat.
Like that matters.
Oh, I don’t know. Black or white, sometimes men facing accusations like these end up on the supreme court.
Bet it was one of cosby’s faves.
They do have a way with words, don’t they? We are not that far removed though. What a woman wears has often been considered, if not an enticement, certainly a contributory factor, should she cause her own rape.
Not surprised. I heard him, grudgingly, laughingly, smirk about how he trashed pluto. Should have known it was just another lie.
I was just referring to the “backlash”. As if it was a new thing. You are so right, this has been going on for a long, long time.
Forgive yourself for feeling what you were made to feel about yourself. Then move on. Make a new life. You deserve your grace.
I haven’t but have had several friends who did. Based on their recoveries, I would say, do everything they tell you to do and you’ll be fine.
Always good to know what the other half are doing.
He can appeal. He can also get a lawyer.
You have a good helper!