
Ugh. Thats not even how the holodeck works in the first place.

Thanks! I had popcorn with the mimosa, and scrambled eggs last night with the champagne “neat” as it were.

Some rituals most be observed. 

Think of me as a cautionary tale, and always walk on stairs. If you live somewhere icy, like me, you can get icers to wear on your boots. They work really well! I got a pair for my mom too, because her balance has gotten worse.

It’s not childish to expect your friends to treat you with respect. And that means apologizing when you’re wrong! Of course your feelings are hurt—you care a great deal for this person and he treated you poorly.

THIS IS MAJOR! I’m so glad that you are celebrating in style. Congratulations.

Happy birthday! And yayy for sleep—I’m sorry you had a rough week and needed the sleep so badly, but it is, in itself, a fairly healing thing.

Interpersonal issues are complicated! But that aside, why are you displaced and this guy is in your living space? Considering how poorly he's treated you, that doesn't seem right or fair.

Thanks! It is freeing; if I wanted to, I could sell this house and get the full price in the absolutely bonkers Toronto market, retire early take nearly a million dollars and buy something amazing in a smaller town and still have an obscene amount of money left over.

I paid off my mortgage yesterday! It took me 18 years, but it was 7 years early on a 25 year mortgage.

That is really, really nice!

Ow! I have osteoporosis at this point, and falling is something that concerns me.

I just had a camera in my knee last Friday, but no robots, sadly. Modern surgery is very awesome. Congrats on your job! I hope you have ample time to rest up before you get back at it!

I can’t tell deadpan jokes, I always ruin them by giggling. 

I am preparing to dispose of some black banana’s by making banana muffins. So much easier than banana bread. They always get done in the middle and none of the cratering that takes place sometimes when doing the loaves. Using my grandma’s recipe as always (except I substitute ginger for the cloves). She approved of

Wednesday was my birthday. Everybody had to work, so I spent the evening at play rehearsal instead. Duckling took me out for Tex-Mex yesterday, and I had pub food with Mr. Duck today, so I was celebrated.

./raises hand

Indeed. Life was much easier before all those pesky cameras. :)