
Is the Scream tv series likely to disappear? For some reason I quite enjoy that.

And there I thought this administration was all about protecting monuments and heritage.

Honestly, when I saw there was a dog involved, I was sure I wouldn’t ever see this movie.

This is definitely going down as one of my favourite moments in modern history.

Assuming this will mean that all Americams, Canadians and in the future Britons will also be forced to respect Austrian traditions and culture as soon as they immigrate there, in order ensure their successful cohabitation.

I’m all for Scottish independence, if that’s what people want, but this should make clear why Nicola didn’t go for a vote without the OK from London. Because this is basically what it would come down to. They’d just declare it illegal and send in the army. People who think they wouldn’t have forgotten Northern Ireland

I love how most people are putting up pictures of themselves looking cute at prom, with kittens, in their cheerleading outfits, hugging their Mom, at a fricking beauty pageant - going ‘oh, I was so awkward and fugly!’. And everyone goes ‘Aw, so cute.’

He’s also Malcolm McDowell’s nephew.

Or, if it’s twins, True and Due West.

Yup, both born the same year as the British Queen.

Yes, most reviewers really seem positive - and that’s pretty unusual for Star Trek.

That was only the image of Lincoln, though.

Since this was (I hope) actually just a joke, don’t worry. I don’t really expect a tiny Trump is in the offing.

To be fair, Kirk wasn’t totally against gung ho alien karate-chopping.

We got Mark Twain once, so Lincoln is actually a possibility (maybe if it gets to season seven).

Where no man has gone before?

And now I cannot unsee this.


Aren’t we old fashioned? Fifty is nothing these days. Women are having babies in their seventies.

When people ask me when I’d go back to (and I’m a white European woman) I’m like, ‘errr... 1997 was quite nice, maybe?’. Because being a woman before around 1990 pretty much sucked compared to how things are even now.