
Wow. You are a dick. He was pointing out a valid mistake and actually contributed to helping more people understand something they may not have known. Didn't sound nitpicky at all.

ummm did you get service for you phone? I guess yes so stop whining you paid $1000 for the phone.

Simple question. What problem does it solve?

except that it doesnt RROD

you should review wuala by lacie. same 10 gigs by referrals and the best part is you can donate space on your drive and get space in the cloud. its safe and secure, does backups and syncs all systems. also has an ios app that lets you play music via backgrounding.

actually iphone 4 seems much more solid than before. i have dropped it a few times and it just makes a thud palsticky sound. my 3gs didnt fare as well.

i think its satire

works like a charm

Mostly useless in NYC subways for obvious reasons.

I think this is gonna kick up quite a storm. I like how its goin

who came up with that name?

Cool. but whats the point. How often would someone really need this? and it now costs me 10 cents to shutdown my mac.

HR block B&M. I know its usually cheaper online etc. But its just so much more convenient and I really dont like to worry about whether I should have said Yes or No to that certain question.

Make sure you use the floss first so it does double duty ;)

I found it to be a blessing in disguise. If you are transferring your pictures to shutterfly , shutterfly gives you a free Storybook coupon code worth $20. I did the migration myself and it was as painless as they can be. Great job by yahoo and others.

Try Using Keytext instead. prolly a gazillion times more powerful and useful. The auto click is just one of the many features it offers.

This has been around for months now.

I couldnt find any link for the top rated drinks on the site. That would have been pretty handy.

Ta Da Lists works best for me.