
Ya’ll have just become wildly anti-Stadia. All Stadia gets is negative attention. That last paragraph proves my point.

I like this solution much better, because doing the steps in the parent post reduces the functionality of Google Calendar for me. Thanks, it solved my problem!

Funny how they’ll use China’s slave labor but just up until recently even Nintendo wouldn’t sell consoles in China. Why? Because the Chinese government absolutely loves intellectually property theft.

He knows what it means though.  Company’s will be forced to move out of China if they can’t afford the hit.  It’s the only way to hit China.  By taking away their clients.   

I see an immediate problem with this:

I am an IT consultant who is in grad school. Usually I get flak for writing down my notes even though I always carry a laptop for work. This term I decided to take notes on my laptop and realized I remembered about 30 percent of what I wrote whereas when I handwrite I usually remember most of what I wrote. Guess I

I’d also add (to the concepts below, such as “your brain doesn’t find it interesting/actively useful enough to store long-term”) that, I’d guess maybe 97% of what we read is just the language/context infrastructure required of the author to get their point/story across to the reader. I think, in the end, we don’t

Nobody is that busy but yet restaurants thrive because people don’t want to cook at home. What’s wrong with someone paying for a convenience? Just think of all the businesses that provide nothing but a convenience: coffee shop, bakery, quickie lubes, car washes, sandwich shops, laundry services, etc., etc. etc.

My office of 1000 people had one of these. People loved it and it made sense to me to have one truck run gas to the office instead of 200 cars make a trip to the gas station.

I travel for work and put 5k miles on my car last year. I partially use the grocery service as I can get deliveries to hotels as well as home, and it is a timesaver as I’m only home 3 days a week, why would I want to go out shopping, when I can have it delivered the morning after I come home, get my fresh produce for

Does the nearby sharing work with Android?

just moved from a galaxy to a pixel (couldn’t be happier), but the one thing I miss is samsung’s ability to screenshot and then scroll down, extending the screenshot further and further down. anyone know an app that could replicate that for me?

Don’t buy a stupid big phone. People be creating their own problems.

Google Play Music doesn’t have any of those problems

Google play music let’s you upload music. One of the reasons I use it over spotify.

Google Play Music has new music and lets you upload all your own music files with its online cloud locker, and integrates in intp one library. Been using it for years and really enjoy it.

I still use Google Play Music All Access, because sometimes I just want to listen to something I’ll never buy, but the vast majority of any music I care about is uploaded to my account, and stored on my hard drive.

It’s one of those “we get you to spend money you wouldn’t have spent in the first place” sorta thing. It’s only a deal if you were going to spend money anyway.

Messenger doesn’t require Facebook either.

Sadly, the “for life” thing isn’t completely accurate. I upgraded to business for a while but it is too expensive for me to continue, so I simply wanted to refer back to my 58.5GB account (50GB via Lifehacker, plus referral bonuses.) They cannot seem to figure out how to downgrade me so I get to keep my lifetime