Ha, I wondered that, too, and my husband and I were both like, "Can't you maybe dip his foot in there first to see if it will work? Just to make sure, before you dunk his entire body into the boiling acid?"
Ha, I wondered that, too, and my husband and I were both like, "Can't you maybe dip his foot in there first to see if it will work? Just to make sure, before you dunk his entire body into the boiling acid?"
Jessica's main love interest in that show was a (Power-)Man of Color, too. The show wasn't *about* racial politics, but it certainly featured POCs in prominent roles. It's (surprisingly, I guess, for this reviewer) possible for white people and black people to have friendships and relationships where they don't sit…
Me, too. The performances in the Misty segment were incredible, but the segment itself didn't really engage me. It didn't really tell us anything we didn't already know, except for the reason why Misty joined the force (which could easily have come out elsewhere, in a more creative way).
Lol, I didn't, actually—it aired at 2 am or something here—but if I had, yeah, the Poop Restaurant would probably be the second worst thing I've seen in a while.
I do not laugh when I hear about poop, to answer her question, and this is one of the worst things I've seen in a while.
Lol, I think of Douche vs. Turd Sandwich every election year, but it's particularly appropriate in this one.
Yep, I remember that, too.
That's the POWER of love!
Hang in there, man.
That's been my experience.
Pamela Courson (Jim Morrison's girlfriend).
Make-up artist Wayne Goss is fond of pointing out that in cartoons, the villains generally have very thin, sculpted brows, and the hero/ines/ingenues have thicker, more natural brows.
Am I the only one who expected Claire to pop Luke into an MRI machine to get those bits of shrapnel out of him? When she said she had to figure out how to get them, I totally expected that to be the next move.
It's like DiCaprio in The Departed; there's even a scene where Wahlberg & Sheen ask/pick on him about how he grew up switching accents depending on which family members he was with.
You cut off one head, another grows in its place…
It's guy love, that's all it is! Guy love, he's mine I'm his!
Lol, yep, we do the same. I'm trying to remember what we showed the girls at nine (well, when our younger one was nine, because we tend to default to her age since, well, it makes sense to do it that way). That's when we showed them Naked Gun and Young Frankenstein, I think, and the LOTR movies—Blazing Saddles was…
Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight…
Die Hard, though. Study both.
Hitcher really is underrated. It's a cool, scary, atmospheric movie, and Rutger Hauer is terrifying in it. (C. Thomas Howell is pretty good, too.)