They're DINKs with good-paying jobs; Holt's probably making close to 200k/yr and Kevin probably makes at least 50% more than that as a professor (a pretty high-ranking one, if you know what I mean, at a private institution).
We thought this was probably the stupidest episode they've ever done, but we still enjoyed it because it's Brooklyn Nine-Nine and we love it. Plus, Rosa and Pimento—and poor Terry's reactions—were awesome.
Seriously? Holy crap!
Well, there's the proof that you lied—repeatedly—about what I said. There truly is no level to which you will not sink, is there. Your "feel[ing] very sorry for" and disrespect toward my late family member, who I loved and who loved me, is disgusting on a level I've rarely seen.
I completely agree (and lol at your first line). Thank you.
Not what I said. Not a direct quote.
There's always room for Jello!
Yeah, that's not what we disagreed about and it's not what I meant, actually, and you know it—or do you? Given how you insist on claiming I believe/feel things I don't, maybe you honestly don't know that. So for the record, I have never denied *anyone's* humanity and I certainly do not deny the humanity of people I…
Well, actually, I think I stated pretty clearly what those bearded men might be—and have actually been—doing?
Grow up, dude. I know it's more fun to pretend that someone who disagreed with you about a single fairly minor point is evil, evil, evil and obviously just wants everyone else to die, but the real world isn't like that.
I cannot believe no one has created a superhero called "Grimguy."
Mask of the Phantasm was indeed awesome!
They've tried that, but it's apparently not acceptable. I'm not sure why, honestly.
Well, now… The things he posted before that apparently got him a warning were pretty extreme. I'd agree firing was a bit much if this was the only time he's spoken out about things, but it looks like it isn't.
Sometimes it is, though—it has happened. It just doesn't mean all transwomen will commit assault, any more than a white or black man assaulting a woman means all white or black men will commit assault. But transwomen commit violent sexual crimes at the same rate as men do. (Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons…
No, predators are definitely not stopped by bathroom doors, you're right. The difference is, right now if you walk into a ladies' room and see a bearded dude in a dress* standing there, you can complain and have him ejected before he has a chance to record you or film you or flash you (those all have happened, btw,…
WTH college course was this???
Caitlin would be in the ladies' room, though, because Caitlyn had her name & birth certificate legally changed.
That does change things, yeah. I thought firing was too much for this, but if he's made a habit of posting shit like the above, that's very different.