
It's not illegal for Joe to give his daughter one of his (presumably, since he's a law enforcement officer) licensed and registered firearms for her personal protection. At least, it's not illegal as long as she has no legal impediments to owning a gun (i.e. is not a convicted felon, which I'm pretty sure she's not).

Oooh, that'd be fun!

Um…no. They are not, and this comparison is offensive in the extreme.

Oh, yeah, I completely forgot to mention that now Barry thinks it's cool to lock people in a cell in the basement until they agree not to report his crimes. Uh…

What in the world was up with this episode? Am I the only one who spent most of it absolutely horrified?

I'm way late, too, but I had to say that "That is our building…and we sell paper," is one of my all-time favorite TV moments, too! It's so beautifully, perfectly done, and so touching; one of those small moments that mean something so much bigger.

It's like they've never played an Ubisoft game, where half the in-play time is taken up looting corpses for weapons/ammo/cash (and doll heads, pictures of dwarves, poker chips, keys, gems, and various drugs).

I'm confused by this, because most Dumpsters I've seen have been raised on wheels, and had enough room for a slim person to slide beneath. I didn't know that was strange or rare, actually.

Yes, the stupidity of the decisions these people make never fails to irritate. I understand the occasional panic or whatever, but good lord.

I haven't seen The Babadook yet, but completely agree that "it's really just him/her being mentally unwell" is my least favorite "horror" trope ever.

Frailty was awesome! I agree it should be on this list. Such a cool movie start to finish, and so unexpected.

They've got a one-track mind.

No, that's very true. It's possible she'd be fine, and yeah, people do all kinds of risky things without being hurt (I haven't heard of Chuck Berry catching e coli, so…) (heh). I'm not *complaining* that she didn't, just saying that was my first thought when I saw her eating the thing raw, was that she was really not

Exactly. "All life is precious," as long as it's the bad guys, but the lives of the innocent Alexandrians don't matter as much?

Ooooooh you guys, I just had a thought. What if Morgan didn't kill the Wolf at the end, but has instead tied him up and is keeping him prisoner, secretly, in an attempt to "reform" him or some such nonsense? And this will have consequences down the line?

Freshness doesn't matter; reptiles carry all kinds of diseases and bacteria while alive, and need to be cooked to be safely eaten. My point was that old raw pork is diseased, as is reptile meat. Studies have shown the following hazards exist even in "farmed" reptiles:

Completely agree. It's nice that Morgan is strong enough and skilled enough with his pole (no pun intended, heh heh heh) to take men down without killing them, but most women aren't going to be strong enough to take down a large frenzied man with a machete, even if they learn awesome fighting skills.

I also think she's very pretty. I'd love to see a romance with her and Eugene, wouldn't that be fun?

He was really good in that L.A. Noir show that came out a year or so ago; it sadly wasn't a very good show, but he was good in it. (As was Neal McDonough, who is awesome in everything.)

Agreed. If not for Carol all of the Alexandrians would have been mowed down while Morgan wasted time talking, knocking Wolves down, and tying them up one at a time.