yeah Tina Fey is peak white feminism. I love 30 Rock but her millionaire grievances with social change became annoyingly prevailent in Kimmy Schmidt
yeah Tina Fey is peak white feminism. I love 30 Rock but her millionaire grievances with social change became annoyingly prevailent in Kimmy Schmidt
You didn’t read the article did you.
My favorite narrative element of this great and true story was how you book-ended your praise of this woman for being interested in your HEART and MIND with a detailed description of her body. Presumably you were fascinated by the HEART and MIND of her “nice boobs on the larger side”.
Great list except who in their right mind roots for Trunchbull? I’m rooting for Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet or Tilda Swinton in Narnia way before her.
Hannibal Lecter. Who doesn’t love watching him make fools of the “good guys”?
Hazel, you are doing the lord’s work. This is a top-notch selection.
Probably just the ghost of an unvaccinated child.
But she’s not wearing it at work....
He thinks, or thought, he has the right to dress up as other people’s races and use their culture to advance himself. I don’t know how that could not be racist.
I defy you to hold it together while watching the cast get the news. Tears? No no, I’ve just got extreme gravity pressing down on my eyeballs.
In the week after liberals clutched their organically grown pearls that our president would (openly) call the first…
I used to think the same way; “why didn’t she leave/fight back/get help?” until some of my female friends explained that;
So that incredibly detailed story along with his confirmed phone number and apology isn’t enough? She needs to be outed and have people know who she is simply because she had the audacity to tell someone that Aziz Ansari engaged in sexual misconduct with her? Gross.
What matters a little less is whether what he did was “misconduct.” I’m leaning toward he’s kind of a pushy asshole, not a date-rapist.
Give me a break. Jezebel gets off on demanding men in Hollywood, regardless of their power and position, risk their jobs, their reputations, their livelihoods, to speak out against their far more powerful male bosses in support of women. It doesn’t matter if they are in any way connected to those women outside of…
The White Feminism going on in the comments is disappointing but I’m not surprised. Jessica is always talking about diversity but she doesn’t put her money where her mouth is. She has been tone deaf often on this issue. And quite frankly her calling out the lack of diversity was only after a bunch of black women on…
This is an actress who has repeatedly pushed in career damaging ways on gender issues (the linked interview sees her talk up how she asks those career damaging questions that need to be asked) but now, the moment it potentially shows up a blindspot of her own, instead of stepping up to the plate again and even taking…
I always kind of envisioned Christina Hendricks as Easter? She was voluptuous and fertile-looking and just generally fabulous...
The lack of intersectionalism is the biggest problem with feminism. It hinders the gender theories a ton.
Thanks for the piece. It was twenty years ago this month the show premiered. The Pretender was my graduate school. First staff job. Worked on it all four seasons. And you are so right, btw - we all had a blast and just recently had a writing staff reunion to commemorate the fun.