
Wasn't it more of a philosophical difference? I thought her refusal to open source the code was the main source of conflict between them.

That's what most people would do when leaving someone's home in the middle of the night, wouldn't they?

I think they're building to that Jesse. The version of the character we found did not have the moral compass of the comics version yet. So my guess is, the goal here is to actually see him get to that point. I don't think comics Jesse was so confident in his morality from his birth on, either. so we're just seeing it

This is only season one, and they're stretching out the storytelling quite a bit; Preacher is defined by a cross-country trip, and we're still in the town from the first episode.

Roose Bolton was the reason before. Now, I have no fucking idea. I assume they're building towards a conspiracy that ends with Ramsay's head rolling, otherwise I don't really buy what we've seen of why anybody in the north would work with him.

Yeah, that feel would be pretty out of place in this game. There are chill tracks on here, but they're always very clean and simplistic rather than hazy and psychedelic.

The thing is, people were still making pixel games in droves during that era. That's what "indie gaming" has pretty much always been for the most part. The only difference now is that it often plays on nostalgia rather than necessity.

I… Kinda am. I find the character fascinating. They picked a super interesting disorder, a great actor to play him, and his relationship with Slippin' Jimmy is the heart of the show.

What else do you call that moment in pop culture? Yeah, it had way more to do with pop punk doofuses discovering The Cure than it did with Rites of Spring. Most people reading a music article on AV Club probably know that. It goes without saying. We were all there.

As far as the public is concerned, the MySpace/guyliner/peacock haircuts era WAS emo. Which is what this piece blames DeLonge for.

This is a dumb post. You know exactly what he means. The shitty wave of "emo" that came in the wake of DeLonge's style.

I don't really care about accuracy. It was a funny joke in the context of the show, and if she was, say, 5-10 miles away from campus it would actually not be far from the truth anyway. It's just an interesting line of discussion. Living in a college town can often end up being oddly close to the expenses of living in

About four years ago, $750 got you a fairly small one bedroom if you wanted to be anywhere remotely close to campus.

Even more impressive when you realize they have never shied away from contemporary trends. I don't listen to anything that would be described as "mathcore," but I do listen to Jane Doe still, which was regularly saddled with that label at the time.

Jane Doe is a greatest of all time sort of record for me, but listening to it side-by-side with their later work, it's obvious the new stuff sounds so much better.