
Just no. No to this. This makes me think that the whole section is just going to be boxy cat tees covered in sequins and glitter. JUST OFFER THE SAME FUCKING CLOTHES IN LARGER SIZES. HAVE THEM ON THE SAME GODDAMN RACKS.

I’m not “fabulously sized.” I am a fat woman who wears size 18. I just want clothes.

Who ever came up with this is a patronizing idiot.

I don’t have psoriasis but a close friend of mine has had it for years, and I’d agree.

But you have to ask - why drag up a 14yo picture in the first place? If it(the party/dressing up incident) happened last week, then sure, it was in poor taste given the events that have been unfolding since Trump entered the White House. But to dredge up a 14yo picture - what was the point? What point are they trying

By that measure, I should look like the elephant man.

I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily light, just that we also enjoy the British tradition of Farce and that reducing the Nazis to this farcical enemy is better than treating them as this thing we shouldn’t mention.

The thing is, ‘Allo Allo’ is a CLASSIC TV show, beloved by the WWII generation and beyond. In recent years, british TV has become a cess pit of politically correct blandness and reality TV shows showcasing the worst people britain has to offer, but many ‘classic’ TV shows are shockingly un-PC - Only Fools & Horses,

Its important to remember that many of the new nazis are desperate to be treated seriously. We should laugh at them and satirize them in order to minimize what they can do.

How dare you! He doesn’t make bad Nazi jokes.....he makes great ones.

Mel Brooks was in World War II - worked on radios if I remember right - and would counter Nazi propaganda by blasting Al Jolson at them.

I think it’s a sign he just went to a costume shop and asked for a Nazi uniform, rather than lovingly handcrafting a screen-accurate ‘Allo ‘Allo version.

So, to translate that to American, it would basically be like dressing up as Col Klink or Sgt Schultz to attend a Hogan’s Heroes themed party?

I sure hope no one looks up pics from the 70's Brit punk movement or else they might end up deleting half their music files.....

(not saying things like that or PH are right. Just the world changes, people learn & grow and regret things they did as they wouldn’t dream of doing later.)

The sex obsessed pervert seems like it would be his kind of humor though. Maybe he added the swastika just to be over the top in case not everybody recognized the generic costume?

Now playing

Just for context according to him he was dressed up for an ‘Allo ‘Allo themed party.

“I eat little babies... ice cream.”

The more black stars, the better it tastes.

Or maybe . . . she’s exaggerating a tiny bit.