
I’ve done the friend break up before under awful circumstances and can confirm it can be as heart breaking as a romantic relationship falling apart. Sorry that happened to you.

I totally agree with Anna Faris - the problem is that I don’t live those words of wisdom. I’m one of those sad people without a proper best friend (but with a lot of good friends). My boyfriends invariably become my best friends, which means that when I break up with them, I also lose my best friend. It sucks.

K. I see the situation as you’re a huge asshole, but to each their own, I guess. Have a good night!

I skip the cone and do a mix of apple cider vinegar, water and a drop of dish soap. They fly in for the sweet apple vinegar and drown, the little suckers.

You say nuts, I say unhinged. It’s like being trapped in a yahoo or MSN comment section. Unusual for Jez.

Wouldn’t you catch more flies with honey? Or have I been lied to all this time?

They also called you basic, which is just...embarrassing. For them.

This commenter is nuts. They started out vitriolic and we all just assumed it was mildly-sarcastic humor, but it turns out they are just really, really angry. I think we should do something more productive with our time at this point. :)

Mm kay. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to your extremely thin skin. Also maybe a nap? Picking fights with so many internet strangers has to give you the sleepies.

I know, right? The hate just seems a little intense about people who are essentially strangers.

You don’t seem angry at all. (Eyeroll backsies)

You are the only person to interpret it this way. Maybe step away from the computer, take a sip of water, and breathe?

Condoned? Queen Elizabeth has four children.

I hope they have six kids, I mean what else are they doing?

I think this is the meanest thread I’ve read on Jez in a long while. The personal hate people have for celebrities is interesting.

I love that the viewing area there looks just like the cockpit of the Millenium Falcon

I’m baffled about why people thought his character change was all of a sudden. Danny was always a douche but his misogyny was matched by Mindy’s vanity so even when he was being a dick, she wasn’t the best human being either. When she had the baby, she changed a bit and it just showed how controlling, misogynistic and

The spicy hot take we deserve, not the one we need.

The kids a lost cause. Give it to him.

Jane is incorrect that there is nothing you can do about the badmouthing of you to your daughter. Some states codify protections against this specific behavior (there is a term for it in the family law world, which escapes me at the moment) because it is extremely harmful to kids. SPEAK UP. Make sure your attorney