
What’s the point of dating models if you’re going to use a blindfold??

Blanche: It’s been my experience that wealthy men make the best lovers.

He only dates women too young to know the difference.

Cuz it’s fun? But yeah, whatever. Leo gonna be Leo. Posse on.

I’ve been shut in with a sick pukey kid for three days. Can I beg for forgiveness and do better next week? LOL

Tbh, if Justin Bieber really wanted to make a remix and sing on it, he should have just sung it in English. I mean, not knocking him if he actually wanted to learn Spanish (though given his solo performance of Despacito where he didn’t even bother singing in Spanish, I’d guess he doesn’t care), but like, if he’s not

This post would’ve been 50% better if you’d instead arranged those words as “Very growth. Much brave.”

Bad use of the word “gentrifying” and no one should help Ms. Hope in her shitty struggle to continue misusing it.

I assume that any dude who’s had a line for his dick since he was a teenager is horrid. There’s no incentive to improve, and it seems like a lot of them get stuck at that maturity level as well.

Yeah that’s dark blonde.

My guess is that he’s trash in bed.

the original is way better than the bieber remix

Finally a win for brunettes.

Wow so brave

“The Justin Bieber version of the song, which helped to gentrify “Despacito” for radio”

Ok but why not highlight the really compassionate things he said about hating to think people will use his story as an example to silence women? If the point was truly to just neutrally report on an article we might be interested in why not highlight the part that might be far more notable? I get that it doesn’t out

Yeah, the problem here the misleading, clickbaity headline. The article itself is fine.

I’m going to argue that the headline was written in a way to “encourage debate”.

I.... have no idea where you’re going with that headline or this article?

Or he’s not angry because he knows it’s true and never denied that it happened.