
No, because then I look like the asshole.

I’m all for the man tax, but I would not go to a place with vulva stones and period sticker packs. That just sounds really obnoxious.

Last winter a some lady from the Salvation Army got in my face about not donating, so I asked her rather loudly if they had changed their stance on conversion therapy and general discrimination against the LGBT+ community and then stated even more loudly that I don’t give money to organizations that are openly

We wouldn’t need a Santa tax if there wasn’t a war on Christmas.

Why? Presumably there are a gajillion coffee shops to choose from and if men don’t want to pay the symbolic tax, they can go to any other cafe they want.

Yeah, I dunno. I see what they’re trying to do. But maybe coffee should just be for staying awake, not staying woke.

Doesn’t matter. The adage “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” applies here.

Like, are we really going to be giving someone shit about asserting their emotions about having children? If he knows he doesn’t want more children, that’s his decision and it really isn’t anyone’s place to question it. If the roles were reversed would you be fine with telling Anna Faris to have another kid because

Yes, because nannies are great stand-ins for actual parents.

Oh Bobby, you cannot hit the clubs til 4 am on Sunday if you’re gonna do the morning shift on a Monday.

This is not sad. This is very important character motivation stuff to complete the puzzle and push Elon Musk into full blown super villain territory. Yeah, it’s cliche for it to all fall apart over a woman, but formulas are formulas for a reason. They work.

Is it the Twitter part that bothers you? Historically, people would put ads in the newspaper, but that’s become obsolete. There’s nothing inherently wrong with rehoming a pet, and I can easily see how it could be difficult for people who travel frequently and are away from home for extended periods for their work to

Oh Hill, I miss your sweet face.

I’ve been seeing everyone reference this pet thing in these comments, so I looked it up. Anna Faris rehomed her adopted dog because her son was allergic and failed to inform the shelter of the situation. Somehow, the dog ended up on the streets and it is unclear whether or not he was abandoned by his new family or if

Anna Faris is not a young starlet, though.

What annoys me is that he lost weight, got fit and suddenly he’s hottie of the year.... but even then.... Anna was and is and always will be way hotter and above his average ass. He sucks. His ego got too big. I thought he was so hot when he was a rugged chubby dude.

Only if he goes bear again.

I’ll race you.

So what you’re saying is Chris Pratt is available now?