
Do you know that or do you strongly suspect it. Because if you know it, I’d be interested in seeing some citation. I’m not suggesting this is necessarily untrue, but you would think if that type of case existed, it would be brought up more often in discussions of this case.

But I still live in a society in which this is now established case law. So you’re welcome to be flippant, but you’re avoiding the fundamental question.

As terrible as this girl is and as much as she may very well be a straight up sociopath, I still don’t feel comfortable with the idea that the State should be able to find somebody criminally culpable for somebody else’s suicide. In this case, I go back to the question of whether this would have been a crime if she

Here’s a tip for my fellow ladies: after you get out of the shower, swipe deodorant under each boob and inbetween them (and if you get back sweat, swipe there as well), or pat some baby powder onto those areas.

That is literally an over the shoulder boulder holder

10/10 would buy. But $45 seems a bit steep.

Heh. What’s funny is that I used spend an inordinate amount of time in record stores. It’s how I found all the good music. But once I hit my mid-20s and stopped...dressing like someone who hangs out in record stores, they started getting snooty with

That’s one nice thing about buying edibles in Seattle, is that everything has to be labeled by dosage for edibles, so it’s easy when someone inexperienced, my mother for example, comes to town and wants to try weed. It screws her up though when she goes back home and asks my brother for some of his homemade, inexactly

Vape pens have a much more pleasant pull & no coughing unless you take a huge hit. And less is more so it can last a long time. I still prefer smoking out of a pipe, tho, plus I like getting a variety of flower, so I can smoke what I want depending on my mood. You can never go wrong with freshies in the bong!

Start with Green Crack. I know that sounds like a joke, but it’s a strain of weed that does not knock you out or put you on your ass, you can still talk and think pretty much as you always do, just more fun. It’s a sativa, which are typically easier on the body and heavier on the mind.

Remember, if you overindulge you do not have to seek medical treatment, you are not having a heart attack.

As others mentioned you should be wary of the edibles, once ingested there is no turning back. If you don’t smoke I would try the vape cartridge pens, they are easier on your lungs and very discreet. As mentioned above public consumption is illegal and the car rental places and hotels are very quick to let you know

That would be fine, if people would stick to the plan and have a few unbendable rules for their own behavior. Like, I dunno, I won’t force anyone to smell like my pot and I won’t risk killing people by driving while stoned?

Absolutely. You’re in Seattle, so you get it. Dogs allowed in cafes and licking my frigging purse, dudes smoking pot in my face will only steel my resolve to get rid of it. This morning we went to a nice small deli for breakfast. It was mellow and quiet. Except for 3 tall dudes, all yelling about how stoned they were

Projecting what on whom? I haven’t smoked a joint in 21 years (weed was never my jam even when I was all about “sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll”; I preferred the hard shit), I’m just a middle-aged guy who’s old enough to have come to hate the same young stoners who would be my friends if you put them in a time machine

Yeah, once in a blue you’ll get a cop who gets a bug up his ass about it because he’s either some kind of wannabe crusader or because it’s a city that loves its policing-for-profit (those tend to be the same places where they’ll watch the parking meters like they’re guarding the Crown Jewels), but “stoned white kids”

Being in Seattle, I agree, now most cops or even people on the street are not going to hassle people that light up walking down the street, it happens occasionally, not too terribly often.

I live in Washington where it’s also legal and people smoking it in public is the worse thing about legalization. It’s like some people no longer get the thrill of buying pot illegally so they have to compensate by smoking it in a public place that will annoy the most people possible.

“Smoking marijuana in public is still illegal, despite the growing number of states legalizing recreational use. That means you can’t smoke it outside the dispensary you just walked out of.”

This absolutely does not stop people doing so in Seattle. The cops tend to have a pretty “meh” attitude about this as long as

My friends in Portland introduced me to using an oil pen, and it’s now my preferred mode. Love it.