As always, it all comes back to licensing weirdness. Wainwright has been an musician for Dreamworks, so it was easier to license his version over the one actually used in the film. Which seems particularly bizarre, but what do I know?
As always, it all comes back to licensing weirdness. Wainwright has been an musician for Dreamworks, so it was easier to license his version over the one actually used in the film. Which seems particularly bizarre, but what do I know?
Your link says it was Wainwright on the official soundtrack but Cale in the film itself. So if you heard it during the movie, you heard John Cale.
I thought it was Rufus Wainwright in the Shrek version.... I know it wasn’t Buckley. The movie is just how I first heard the song. Then I found Buckley’s version and that was it.
Trump: “You wanna go see your what? Newborn? Gimme a freakin’ break, Mooch. Fetuses aren’t even viable until they can tell you how terrific you are and also lie and steal for you.
I don’t know who’s worse, your wife for saying that, or you for repeating it.
Rufus’ version is pretty solid.
Buckely’s is the best, but I still have a soft spot for Rufus Wainwright’s version
Normally I’d say “Gee, I’ll bet if you tell your boss, the President, that your child is in the ICU after being born prematurely, he’d find a way to get you there.” But then I remembered who was President, and there is no way Trump would do anything to help.
Don’t take this away from Tiffany!
I laughed audibly at the part about “no-fly zone, what are you gonna do.” That’s a four hour drive, dick. Call a fucking uber.
Does his kid want to meet him though?
Fuck I don’t know but goddamn I want to stare into his eyes and hump him forever, integrity be damned
I thought my liver was for processing booze.
Eleventy-one days! He’s going on an adventure!!
111 days, um... In honor of the number of years old Bilbo was when he left the Shire for Rivendell?
Detoxing is not a thing people!!! Your body takes care of all that shit for you!
, “The best types of detoxes are ones that emphasize lots of hydration and veggies.
People’s article quotes a dietician/nutritionist who previously stated, “The best types of detoxes...
Exactly. What was Oak going to say? “Hey dude, you’re not bringing in the cash and we’re going to replace you three weeks early with one of the greatest Broadway performers of all time. That cool with you?” What could he do but throw his hands up and try to be professional about it?