I haven’t minded the Cersei change since it would he tough to watch the book version for eight seasons.
Is anyone else pissed off that Cersei in the books is basically a myopic schemer who’s consistently out of her depth, doesn’t foresee the consequences of her actions and believes to be way smarter than she really is, and yet in the show she has become this military mastermind who can outsmart Tyrion (arguably the…
I don’t know. I read that article this morning and was surprised at the number of comments about it being “sad.” IMO, just the fact that Smith is 94 years old and has enough mental acuity to be aware of her irrelevance automatically makes it not sad. What is unfortunate is that she only defines herself by what she…
Thank you! Obstructionism is tempting, like most things toddlers do when frustrated. But it’s not a solution to anything.
When have Democrats been anti-choice or against women having the right to control their bodies?
Thank you. The “Democrat Purity Test” is doing literally nothing to help our current situation and will only hurt us in 2018.
So you just want Democrats to do what exactly? Just sit back like Republicans did and take their ball and go home and refuse to do anything? Not govern? Not offer any solutions? It working out really well for the Republicans so far.
John Oliver with Last Week Tonight is a good stopgap. He helps me in the “OK I’m not the only person who sees how insane this is” department.
God it’s so fucking embarrassing that the President of the United States uses the phrase “losers and haters”. It is killing me.
“I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide.”
He was merely taking time off while he transformed into Jon Stewart the White.
FWIW, the non-Bieber version of Despacito is great, and SO MUCH BETTER than the version with him in it.
But not staying out of the woods
That uncle hasn’t come to any family gathering that either me or my sister has attended since. I think he’s scared of me, but fucking good riddance. He once tried to start a text argument, it ended up with him telling me to “forget his name” so I openly call him Uncle Voldemort, much to the “neutral” family members’…
I spent about an hour over a family BBQ in 2010 yelling at a different uncle for his homophobia, while my still-closeted teen sister sat by, close to tears.
Honestly, I can think of so many things worse. Losing a job, being homeless, having a chronic illness, food instability, etc. I think characterizing Trump supporters as a serious enemy and dehumanizing them is the quickest way to get another 4 years of Trump as president. Don’t give them that much power, think of them…
Yeah, I have to agree here. Leaving someone with a week’s notice makes it pretty tough for them to figure out the logistics of their situation, especially if they were splitting rent, utilities, food, etc. with you. Seems unnecessarily cold to do, especially if this person is your best friend.
Why hello, fellow murderino.