
I guess for Charlize it’s safe to go on that date, because everyone knows she has probably be trained to murder people in a number of creative ways. For a regular person, a “midnight hike” that is “very private” as a first date with someone you just met feels like it would just be saving the guy the trouble of

Who said this “I don’t give a fuck about being cool” ?

I was concerned about this when I first heard him garbling things a bit in those Senate hearings. The kind of skin cancer he had was a malignant melanoma, which is the kind that can turn ugly and metastasize aggressively really quickly. It goes after the brain frequently.

Awesome, jokes about cancer. Are we really that jaded? Numb to the point we can longer show empathy to a brain cancer diagnosis? As a stage 4 cancer survivor myself, show some decorum for fucks’ sake.

yea! because being a vindictive partisan asshole toward something that happened 9 years ago before being a goddamn human is always the right choice!

Not to mention he doesn’t even suck. He picked a really bad running mate, big deal. He was also a war hero and seemed like a decent guy. If political bullshit is a reason to tell a guy who just got a death sentence “fuck you,” then you’re a dickhead (looking at you jujymonkey)

No. I don’t care how much the guy sucks, I wouldn’t wish glioblastoma on anyone. It took my grandmother in six months and it’s awful.

Chris Evans

I do not agree with the sentiment but wit-wise credit where credit is due

Double-bag it next time. It’s best way to stop your garbage from leaking.

Anybody who names their album Lust For Life and isn’t Iggy Pop needs to have a word with me.

I definitely hope so because his is easily the best celebrity talk show ever.

How is Gram Norton under £1,000,000?

I love, love, love this woman. I would be implicated in a crime for the chance to listen to a casual conversation between her and Poehler. They could talk about public transportation or breakfast cereal, I don’t care. I want in!

Maya Rudolph is perfect.

Am also that way. Can confirm: it rubs people the wrong way.

That never happened.

Now playing

(the lone exception was Wilko Johnson as Ilyn Payne)

You missed a boner.

Jon just left two children in charge of the first two castles between himself and the white walkers, mmkay Jon that’s a really solid idea.